CNBC Titans Offers Unauthorized Biography of Steve Jobs

In its description of the series, CNBC said, “CNBC Titans profiles remarkable people who made careers turning the ‘unthinkable’ into reality and companies that grew from humble roots to worldwide recognition.”

This season kicks off with Steve Jobs, but it also includes looks at Jack Welch, Proctor & Gamble, Herb Kelleher, Quincy Jones, Milton S. Hershey, Jack Daniels, Lee Iacocca, Barry Diller, and Leo Burnet.

About Mr. Jobs, the shows creators said, “Irrepressible, irascible, and iconic, Steve Jobs has reigned as the undisputed king of Silicon Valley for the better part of three decades. From his parents’ California garage he launched the personal computer revolution and built Apple into the most envied, and valuable, technology company in the world. From the Macintosh and the iPod, to iTunes and the iPhone, Jobs has personally presided over the creation of dozens of transformational devices, battling hostile corporate boards, cutthroat competitors, and serious illness while securing his legacy as one of the few who dared to “Think Different.’”

Highlights of the show include Apple’s beginnings, a look at the the way he handles his role as chief executive today, and a closer look at the iPod.

The video below is a “Web Extra” featuring former Apple CEO John Sculley talking about the introduction of the original Macintosh.

There are several other Web Extras on this episode’s page, including:

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