Heinz Foundation Honors Steve Wozniak With Award & US$250,000

Steven Wozniak of Los Gatos, Calif., who founded Apple Computer with Steve Jobs in 1977 to manufacture and distribute their invention, the first ready-made personal computer. Since retiring from business, he has worked on charitable projects on the arts and expanding computer literacy.

The $250,000 award, bestowed annually by the Heinz Family Foundation since 1993, honors the memory of Sen. John Heinz, R-Pa., who died in a plane crash in 1991. He was heir to the Heinz food fortune. Teresa Heinz, the senatoris widow and foundation chairwoman, said the recipients “represent a rare and wonderful blend of expertise, courage and concern for the next generation.”

The winners, announced Monday, will receive their $250,000 awards at a March 5 ceremony in Washington.

The other recipients of the award are:

  • Dr. Aaron Beck, a University of Pennsylvania psychiatry professor who treats patients by helping them learn more about the causes of their feelings.
  • Jacques diAmboise, founder of the National Dance Institute in New York City, which teaches poor children classical and modern dance. He started the institute in 1974 and it has been his full-time job since 1984.
  • James Hansen, an environmental researcher from Ridgewood, N.J., who specializes in global warming. He co-founded and runs the National Aeronautics and Space Administrationis Institute on Climate and Planets, which encourages minority students to pursue scientific careers.
  • John Holdren, an arms control advocate in Falmouth, Mass., chairman of the executive committee of the Pugwash Conferences, which won the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons.
  • Arthur Mitchell, co-founder of the Dance Theater of Harlem. The New York City native said he is proudest of the dance companyis success in giving poor young people the skills to live meaningful lives.

You can find more information on The Woz at his Web site (check out the still developing US Festival Web site too!). You can also find more information on the Heinz Family Foundation at that organizationis Web site.

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