IBM Pushes Mainstream Linux Acceptance With New Television Ad

Sunday, September 7th during an NFL broadcast on the Fox network, IBMis commitment to Linux will be taken a step further. While some of IBMis previous commercials have referred to Linux, the commercial shown during the football broadcast will be the first one specifically focusing on Linux itself. From the Web site of IBMis “The Future is Open” campaign:

Linux is like nothing else in the history of computing, the most unique innovation operating systems have ever seen. Itis unprecedented integration. Itis an open source operating system. Owned by no single company or private enterprise. Constantly improved by thousands of programmers. And itis getting bigger. Last year, according to the IDC, shipments of servers running Linux increased by 22.8%.

If Linux were a person, he would be growing, fast. Taught by the best. Gaining wisdom beyond his years. And sharing. He would be in business, education, government and homes. He would be a nine-year-old boy changing the world.

You can watch the commercial at IBMis Web site in RealPlayer, QuickTime, or MPEG formats. IBM has also provided a transcript.

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