Intel-based Laptop Manufacturers Named, New 'Books at Macworld?

The article also claims that Apple stated it will be exhibiting its Intel-based laptops at Macworld Expo 2006 in San Francisco.

Apple is notoriously tight-lipped about up coming product releases, so it seems unlikely that the company publicly stated that it is showing its forthcoming PowerBook and iBook products at Macworld Expo. Itis more likely that a representative from one of the manufacturers inadvertently released confidential information, or that something was mis-translated into English.

Either way, we will still have to wait until Steve Jobis keynote address on January 10 to know for sure.

Macworld Expo 2006 runs from January 9 through January 13, 2006, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Additional information about the Expo is available at the Macworld Expo Web site.

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