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Mobile/Tablet Operating System Share - October 2011

Chart by The Mac Observer from data provided by Net Applications

The iOS market share was up from 54.65% in September and from 44.34% in October 2010. Android was the only other operating system that also grew during those times. The rest have all seen declines.

October was an eventful month for the iOS platform with the release of iOS 5 and the iPhone 4S. Both were released mid-month and certainly must have had an impact on the numbers. It should be noted that iOS is used on iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.

In the chart below, you can see that two platforms are steadily gaining share, Android and iOS. Java ME Symbian have been declining steadily sice early 2010 while BlackBerry has held steady, until recently. iOS has made significant gains since the spring and summer of 2010, coinciding with the release of the iPad and iPhone 4. Android has also gained, but at a steadier clip.

Mobile/Tablet Top Operating System Share Trend

Chart by The Mac Observer from data provided by Net Applications

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