MacPlay Announces Plans, Baldur's Gate II Leads The Way

MacPlay 2001 Summer Line-Up

Balduris Gate II: Shadows of Amn
This critically acclaimed RPG of the year is progressing at a rapid rate thanks to Chris Jacobson of MumboJumbo Games. Balduris Gate II: Shadows of Amn will “officially” enter the beta testing phase pending the inclusion of GameRanger support. We fully anticipate receiving a GM candidate in time for our scheduled release date just prior to MacWorld New York in July!!

SacrificeMacPlayis upcoming groundbreaking RTS, Sacrifice is a fantastic, visually stunning union of art and technology that pushes the creative boundaries of the RTS genre. Weire excited to report that this game recently hit the “first playable” milestone at the hands of MumboJumbo engineer Duane Johnson and is well on its way to into the hands of Mac gamers by late summer.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Experience the most brutal and spectacular gameplay ever as you crush, burn, drown, eat, kidnap and bury your enemies on twenty-five beautifully rendered 3D islands. Truly one of this yearis most stunningly beautiful and funny, award winning 3D games which boasts a groundbreaking combination of action and strategy.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto is actively in development at this time and will be one of the first games available for the Macintosh to highlight some of the advanced features exclusive to NVIDIAis Geforce3. Of course, Giants will rock on GeForce 2 and ATi Radeon, too!

Weive got some GIANT secrets about this one, so stay tuned!

Fighter Squadron: The Screamini Demons over Europe
Scream through aerial dogfights in the skies of Europe and North Africa in this one of a kind combat flight simulator set during World War II. We have “officially” reached our Beta milestone, and look forward to a summer release for flight sim fanatics and those new to the genre that are just looking for a wild ride!

MacPlay 2001 Fall Line-Up

Icewind Dale
One of the largest computer dungeon adventures ever created for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, and developed using the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons second edition rules by the Black Isle team, Icewind Dale offers over 70 types of new monsters and the most formidable combat MacGamers will ever encounter!

Work on Icewind Dale will commence upon the conclusion of Balduris Gate II: Shadows of Amn. The good news is that since both games are based on the same core set of technologies, we anticipate that Icewind Dale will take only a fraction of the time to port to the Mac.

MacPlay gamers can expect Icewind Dale just in time for the holidays.

Starfleet Command Volume II: Empires at War
Mac game enthusiasts can embark on a career as a starship officer and take the helm in the ultimate real-time tactical space combat experience set in the Star Trek universe. This highly anticipated Trek is currently in the early stages of development. Macophile Trekkies can expect to log a little time in the Captainis chair this holiday season!

You can find more information about all of these upcoming releases at the MacPlay Web site.

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