Macworld Expo To Highlight Music and Audio

The podcasting stage will be in the Exhibit Hall, and attendees will be able to watch some of the industryis leading podcasters at work conducting interviews on the Expo floor.

The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is a non-profit mobile state-of-the-art recording studio. It travels around the country exposing students to music and recording technologies, including Logic, Reason, and Final Cut Pro. Jazz artist Joshua Redman will speak about his recording experiences at the bus on January 10.

The Expo will also feature several sessions related to Mac music and audio education, including:

    Power Tools Conference Mastering Logic guides participants through the complete music production process using Logic, the powerful music production tool from Apple. Two full days of in-depth training by David Mash of the Berklee College of Music.
    Market Symposium Podcasters provides a full day of education as the podcasting industry leaders discuss their thoughts and experiences of riding this newest wave of Internet opportunity.
    Taste of the Conference GarageBand 101 explains what it takes to record your own songs with GarageBand. Open to all Exhibit Hall attendees.
    Taste of the Conference The iPod Revealed Macworld magazineis Chris Breen reveals many of the hidden talents of Appleis amazing iPod. Open to all Exhibit Hall attendees.
    Feature Presentation: The Podcast Economy Industry luminary Chris Pirillo presents his insights on the rise of the Podcasting phenomenon. Open to all Exhibit Hall attendees.

Macworld Expo 2006 will run from January 9 through January 13, 2006, at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Additional information about the Expo and registration is available at the Macworld Expo Web site.

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