Microsoft Launches Ad #3: Are You a PC?

Microsoft launched its third in a series of special ads to spruce up the image of Windows on Thursday night. The ad features a selection of cameos, some famous and some not, showing that Windows is used by all kinds of people. The ad opens with a comment by a John Hodgman lookalike, Microsoft employee Sean Siler, that PC users have been stereotyped.

The ad shows many different kinds of people who do lots of different things for a living. The one thing they all have in common is that they donit look like John Hodgman and donit act like him, thus trying to lift the stereotype.

The ad also raises the question whether there ever was a stereotype of PC users and whether that was the point of the Apple “Get a Mac” ads — because John Hodgman portrays a computer, not a person.

“Iim a PC”

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