Mozilla Releases Firefox 3 Beta 4

The Mozilla Project announced on Monday the release of Firefox 3 Beta 4. The new version has over 900 big fixes over Beta 3 and adds several improvements.

“The fourth beta of the next major Firefox version offers over 900 bug fixes over Beta 3, including improvements in download manager, full page zoom, better integration with Vista, Mac OS X and Linux, and significant improvements in speed and memory usage,” the Mozilla project said.

Versions for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows in many languages are available on the Firefox download page.
Extensive release notes were also published.

Firefox 3 Beta 3 introduced a more Mac-like look and feel (for the Mac OS X version) in addition to version 3is security improvements such as malware protection, Web forgery protection, better handling of invalid SSL certificates, and anti-virus program integration.

Code freeze for beta 5 is set for March 18th, and that may be the last beta.

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