Small Firm Beats Apple in Court, Files Extortion Charges

Nuevas’ inventory of Android-based NT-K tablets was seized after Apple obtained a temporary injunction last year. Apple’s loss in court last November lifted that ruling, but Nuevas became aggressive in court after arguing that the injunction was a severe detriment to sales.

Nuevas’ NT-K tablet

However, Mr. Mueller wrote in his blog post: “For now I don’t see evidentiary support for the claim that Apple sought to ‘extort’ NT-K and possibly other small companies … What NT-K has described so far looks to me like a case of bullying and I don’t support it, but there was most probably a genuine legal dispute.”

Apple has been aggressive about defending its patents in recent months, particularly where they apply to the iPad. The company has sued HTC, Motorola, Samsung, and others with some success, but many cases are still working their way through the courts. Apple has also been on the receiving end of litigation with not just the Nuevas case but also Tuesday’s lawsuit by Kodak.

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