Smartfish’s Mini Laser Mouse Has Anti-Gravity Comfort

Smartfish Technologies has a new wireless mouse on the market, specifically designed for laptop computers. It is called the Whirl Mini Laser Mouse and it offers anti-gravity comfort with pivot ErgoMotion™. 

What, you may ask, is anti-gravity comfort and pivot ErgoMotion?Well, that is why you have me – to try and explain it.

Whirl Mini Laser mouse

The mouse, which is full size, sits on a flat platform. That construction allows it to sit high. The top of the mouse is 1.5-in above the table top. This means that your hand is slightly raised when you use it. The heel of your hand does not drag along the surface of your desk or mouse pad because your wrist is slightly raised. Your wrist will still rest on the surface, but you have flexibility as to where on your wrist that contact occurs.

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