Sony BMG Pulls DRM Protected CDs From Shelves

Sony went so far as to post a list of every CD it produces that uses the XCP copy protection software.

This is the latest action on Sonyis part to stem the consumer backlash of problems stemming out of privacy and security issues from the DRM tools it uses on music CDs. A statement on Sonyis web site includes “We deeply regret any inconvenience this may cause our customers and we are committed to making this situation right.”

Sonyis problems started about two weeks ago when consumers discovered that the company was automatically installing DRM software on Windows PCs that hides itself, acting like spyware. The DRM software installs using Windows auto-run feature when a music CD is placed in the PC. A similar software tool installs on Macs, but only after users intentionally launch the installer application.

The copy protection software opened Windows users to new security risks, and was even used as a tool for viruses to hide in, further compromising Windows systems.

The Mac Observer has been following the story since November 10. The list of articles in the series include:

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