Steve Jobs Gets Comic Book Biography

The 32-page comic book, titled “Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple,” was written by CW Cooke and penciled by Chris Schmidt with cover art by DC artist Joe Phillips. Bluewater Productions has already published similar comic books for celebrities such as Howard Stern, Lada Gaga, Hillary Clinton and Lucille Ball.

“His innovations command front page news, speculation of his health affects the stock market. Not bad for a college dropout,” commented Bluewater Productions president Darren Davis. “His story, and that of Apple, is epic. I’m surprised it took us this long to publish a proper, balanced biography of him.”

The Bluewater Productions biography of Steve Jobs shouldn’t be confused with the official biography of Apple’s leader that’s scheduled for release in early 2012. “iSteve: The Book of Jobs” has been sanctioned by Mr. Jobs and is being written by well known biographer Walter Isaacson.

“Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple” will be priced at US$3.99 and will be available in comic book stores, and is already available for pre-order at

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