Steve Jobs No Longer Among Top 10 Paid Tech CEOs

A substantial portion of Mr. Jobsis 2007 earnings came in the form of company stock, which was worth far more than his $1 salary.

Mr. Jobs wasnit the only tech name to drop off the top ten list in 2007. Former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel lost his ranking along with his job, and Dell CEO Michael Dell dropped down to number 36.

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison topped this yearis best paid tech CEO list as well as Forbes overall list of best paid CEOs with a $192.9 package. Intel CEO Paul Otellini came in just one slot ahead of Mr. Jobs at number ten with $16.3 million.

The Forbes top paid tech CEO list is compiled by calculating overall compensation for the past year, and factors in salary, cash bonuses, vested stock grants, stock gains and exercised stock options.

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