Take a Video Tour of Foxconn’s Apple iPad Factory

Foxconn Video Tour

Shot from Foxconn Tour Video – Full Video Below

In a written report, Mr. Schmitz said about his tour that, “The first misconception I had about Foxconn’s Longhua facility in the city of Shenzhen was that I’ve always called it a ‘factory’—technically, it is. But after you enter the gates and walk around, you quickly realize that it’s also a city — 240,000 people work here. Nearly 50,000 of them live on campus in shared dorm rooms.”

MarketPlace claims Mr. Schmitz is only the second reporter to gain access to Apple’s outsourced manufacturing facilities, the first being an NBC Nightline report broadcast in February. MarketPlace, an American Public Radio show, also broadcast an audio report on the Foxconn factory, including a transcript of the report.

The video:

MarketPlace Video Tour of Foxconn iPad Factory

[Via SlashGear]

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