TMO Panther Desktop Contest Winners & 22 Desktop Images!


ow that the holidays are behind us, and the 12-story TMO Christmas Tree and the 20-gallon eggnog encrusted punch bowl have been boxed up and stored in the attic of TMO Towers, we can announce the winners of the TMO Desktop Picture Contest! (The next contest should be to guess how many frickin boxes it takes to pack up a 12-story artificial tree.)

Congratulations go to Mando Gomez (of for winning the grand prize for the best Panther desktop! It was a very tough job for the judges to vote for the best one, and we were delighted with how many great entries we got with this, our first contest. While several different images got #1 votes, it was Mandois submission that received the most points from our panel of TMO judges.

The grand prize package includes El Gatois EyeTV / Remote Wonder Bundle (courtesy of Dr. Bott), FirewireDirectis Spark 800 FireWire 800 2.5″ hard drive enclosure, a FireWire 800 1394b PCI Host Adapter and a TMO T-shirt.

The winning isnit over yet though. Just for submitting a valid entry, Harvey Lubin has won the Draw Prize consisting of a Griffin PowerMate and a TMO T-shirt!

On behalf of everyone at TMO, Iid like to personally thank all contest entrants for your participation and very creative entries!

See the full gallery of all submissions below. Weive listed them in no particular order, and all the images are available for download by clicking on the links below each one. Below each image is the name of the person who created it.

Daniel Miller

Director of promotions & propaganda

Harvey Lubin

Harvey Lubin

Harvey Lubin

Mando Gomez

(The Winner!)

Randy Geske

Rolando Corujo

Rolando Corujo

Louis Vidmar

Pastor Steve Bauer

Alan Rhodes

Justin Hubbard

Pierre Mireault

Colynn Kerr

Mary Beth Eastman

Spider Mann

Gary Ricketts

Paul Bianco

Paul Bianco

Paul Bianco

Paul Bianco

Rob Marquardt

Rob Marquardt



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