ZDNet's TechTV Features MACWORLD Fresh Gear

The show started off with the MACWORLD Expo keynote by Steve Jobs, and included footage of Mr. Jobs, the new PowerMac G4s, OS X 10.1, iDVD2, and more. Interviews with people waiting for the keynote, and from attendees after the keynote, followed. From there, the showis hosts gave us a our of the QuickSilver PowerMac G4s, emphasizing the speed of the new systems. Many other gadgets from digital cameras, to Iomegais Peerless were also featured.

The finale was a piece on the importance of Final Cut Pro to the film industry. This segment featured the work of independent film makers, and talked about how far Digital Video editing has come in the last few years. To top it off, one professional editor with professional music videos (Green Day, ZZTop) and films in his portfolio compared his US$15,000 PowerMac system (including CPU, monitors, cards, and software) to a US$150,000 Avid system. He said that the only comments he has gotten since switching from Avid to Final Cut Pro came from Industrial Light & Magic. According to the editor, ILM commented that he must have gotten a hot new editing system after seeing some rough cuts he had produced for the company.

Currently, the Fresh Gear home page at TechTVis Web site has several MACWORLD articles. A couple of them have video clips in RealAudio format.

If you have a Mac sighting, let us know.

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