Why the Apple TV Doesn't Make Toast

“You know, our next big step is we want it to make toast.”

– Steve Jobs (2004, referring to iPods)

I have written a lot about the Apple TV. Iive written about updates,
Iive pointed to stories and reviews, and Iive discussed the compression issues
related to getting HD content into the customeris Apple TV via the Internet.
All along the way, Iive resisted buying one for several reasons. I didnit
think much of the content selection, I was trying to avoid another “buy the box then pay for the content”
syndrome, and finally, I was using an iPod nano 3G to physically move content from my Mac to
my HD TV systemis A/V receiver input, and that seemed good enough.

In time, I decided those reasonis werenit good enough, so over the weekend, I bought a 40GB Apple TV, and while my perceptions about the device
havenit change a lot, my perceptions of the Internet culture surrounding devices like this

Sometimes, Itis Time for Fun

First of all, I should say that I like the Apple TV. The feed from
a Comcast cable modem goes to a hardware firewall/router, then a D-Link gigabit switch in my office.
From there, it continues through the walls to the living room
via a Cat 5 Ethernet cable to an uplinked Linksys 10/100 switch. From there, Iim into
the Apple TV and out to the Denon A/V Receiver via HDMI. Iim easily exceeding the 6 Mbps
required to utilize an Apple TV for HD trailers and movies, since the link exits the
Linksys switch at a measured 12 Mbps. Allis well there.

Iive not purchased any movies or TV shows yet, but I have looked at
some trailers in HD, synced to my Macis iTunes that has Jeremiah, Season II,
(one of my all time favorite TV shows) and everything works really well.
HD trailers come up fast and look fairly good, but not as good
as, say, Blu-ray content, in my opinion.
One of the keys, I think, is creating suitable playlists on the Mac within iTunes so one
can sync only those things one really wants to watch and not fill up the Apple TV hard disk with synced items.

Iive also checked out the Flickr and YouTube features. Some of the YouTube videos, in tortured SD,
can look really bad. YouTube is not a Strange Attractor for me. All in all, for about $200, the
Apple TV is a lot of fun and, as we already know, affords a lot of instant gratification. If one
has to venture into the dreaded zone of box fatigue, this is a painless way to do it.

But it Doesnit Make Toast

The Apple TV has been reviewed to death, and Iim not going to do another. Instead, I
find myself reflecting on the psychology of devices like this that percolates the group-think of the
Internet. In some ways, we are too well connected. We know, or think we know too much.
For example, in my readings and research for HDTV, I found dozens of vehement, strong,
angry, energetic, bitter articles about the DIRECTV HR20 satellite receiver plus DVR.
One would have thought it was the crappiest piece of hardware on the planet. Of course,
those few dozen or 50 comments and even a dubious Internet publication review only reflected the experience
of a smattering of millions of DIRECTV customers who are happy and wouldnit have the foggiest
idea how to post a nastygram on AVS Forum — if they even knew about it.

Mine has worked very nicely without a major problem. I do have to reset it once a month because the internal clock
drifts and is only reset when the system is reset. Annoying, but not tragic.

Again, my experience at Apple serves me well here. One off cases
mean nothing. A few dozen complaints mean nothing. [In terms of overall
product quality, not with regard to making each customer individually
happy, I must add.] Look at the statistics and look at the Big Numbers.
Large scale numbers tell a story that individuals cannot, no matter how
angry they get.

The same goes for any consumer product.

The point of all this is that some writers can fall into what I call the Toast Syndrome. Loud voices,
seeking to be heard, and without deep insight can nevertheless affect many. Those voices set up a presumptive
set of specifications and requirements for a product when they first hear
rumors about the device. Throw in a little bit of Star Trekian
whimsical idealism, and theyive got a pretty clear picture of what theyid
like to see in the product in its earliest days. Naturally, those hopes
almost never reflect the practical realities of engineering that Apple
had to deal with during the design and prototyping. Just think about how Apple thrashed around with the
iPhone before it was released. Apple probably had a lot of ideas,
including being a MVNO
before it finally realized that the company couldnit, or shouldnit, build
its own wireless infrastructure.

I remember, as an example, how when the Newton first came out, many were disappointed that
it wasnit also a cell phone. Thatis a sobering recollection.

The result of all this is that the scuttlebutt on the Internet, as one does a mental integration,
leads to a situation where almost any new product can lead to frustration by writers, reviewers and vocal customers.
Hereis what it sounds like:

“DIRECTVis DVRs are a POS.”

“The iPod doesnit have a FM radio! Donit buy one yet.”

“The iPhone doesnit have built-in hardware GPS. Itis crap.”

“The Apple TV only has 720p/24 output. Doesnit Apple know this is the era of 1080p? Take
my advice, wait till next year.”

“And it doesnit make toast.”

The Rewards of Simplicity

A commonly overlooked factor in all this is that a lot of potential Apple customers
out there donit spend as much time as others on the Internet. Theyire too busy working, commuting,
paying bills, doing the laundry, shuttling a 12 year-old to soccer practice, or planning a wedding or
vacation. They know they have a problem when it comes to getting the content they want on TV, but
theyire not deeply technical. On the other hand, we have younger people with time to burn and writers
whose job it is to review consumer electronics looking to have a distinctive opinion. Everyone has
a blog, even yours truly, and rising above the noise level is hard.

Thatis why, in most cases, the simple, even simplistic, message from Apple marketing works. There is
wisdom there.

Iim certainly not anti-technology, far from it, but I think thereis a good side to not
worrying too much about whether the Apple TV can make toast. It does what it does.
A friendly Apple salesperson in any of 200 Apple retail stores can demo an Apple TV and
explain its key advantages. Thereis a great video guided tour on Appleis Website that should
be printed on a business card and sent home with any doubtful customer.
Except Apple is a green company and doesnit like too much paper laying around the stores.

That said, no company always gets the first incarnation absolutely right. Apple TV Take One was a little
too geeky and depended on having a Mac in the middle. Apple TV Take Two can connect directly to
the Internet. In the retail stores, Apple replaced its Sony LCD displays next to the Apple TV
with Pioneer Plasmas. That was smart because brightly lit LCDs can have a flat, two-dimensional look
while the very best Plasmas have a rich, almost three-dimensional look. They also have superior black
levels, dollar for dollar. So it has taken some time for Apple to make the Apple TV buying
and user experience what it should be. Waiting for a little bit for new technology to sort
itself out is seldom a bad idea.

Right now, the TV industry is in chaos. Metrics for understanding the audience habits, preferences,
and how they react to Internet advertising are hard to come by. Netflix competes with Blockbuster,
and both are worried to death about the Internet putting them out of business before they can change
their business models. Network appointment TV, as a comfortable punctuation of the work week, is harder
and harder to come by. There is very little to hold on to as every technology that can be devised
is eventually implemented and thrown at the consumer. In the middle of that chaos, Apple with its
Apple TV has attempted to carve out a niche for the frenzied and time robbed American consumer.

Experience the Experience

The thing is, none of that really comes home until one goes out and experiences it. Once one is immersed in
what the Apple TV actually does and how it does it, one gains a new appreciation and perspective. Looking at it from the outside is like all those lunatics who say the HDTV industry is a mess — just wait a couple of years.

Nonsense. Buy an HDTV system now if you can afford it. The difference between HD and SD is so astounding,
no matter what level of compression is used (almost), that itis time to jump in on some scale as time
and money permit. The same goes for Apple TV.

What I learned about the Apple TV was that sometimes itis better to experience something thatis not
perfect than to get wrapped around the endless axle of Internet diatribes, reviews, blogs and second-guessing.
Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster has predicted that Apple will sell almost 3 million of them this year.
So if youive wanted an Apple TV and have even the slightest doubt about it, Iid say go get one* and experience
the reality of it.

Even if it doesnit make toast.

* Assuming you have a 6+ Mbps Internet connection and meet all the other system requirements.

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