Apple Adds Chomp Bits to iOS 6 App Store Discovery

iOS 6 App Store Search

App Store Screenshot on iOS 6 Beta

Chomp is a discovery service that promised users better searches on Apple’s App Store and on what used to be the Android Marketplace. Apple purchased Chomp in April of 2012 for a reported US$50 million—the company dropped support for Android search later that month.

Chomp’s app discovery process was based on algorithms that learned an app’s function and allowed users to search based on what chomp knew rather than what developers named their apps or the keywords they used to describe them.

When Apple bought the company, the assumption was that it wanted to improve the discovery process for the App Store, which had grown to more than half a million apps. The new App Store search in iOS 6—which is scheduled to be released this fall—is the first indication we’ve seen that Apple is incorporating the technology.

iOS 6 App Store Updated To Look More like Chomp + Genius Recommendations

[Via 9to5Mac]

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