Digital Zoom Plug-In For iMovie Released

Virtix, Inc. announces the immediate availability of Virtix Zoom for iMovie. Virtix Zoom contains 10 special effects that allow the user to magnify or highlight a portion of a clip.

With Virtix Zoom, iMovie users can enlarge parts of an image or crop out unwanted elements. Users can add slow moving zoom-ins and zoom-outs to any shot, or they can opt for super-fast "snap" zooms.

All Virtix zooming algorithms operate at 60 fields per second to guarantee smooth motion. The High Quality zooms integrate motion blur for the most realistic and least digital look possible, an option that is unavailable in some high-end professional packages. Virtix Zoom allows you to do things within iMovie that previously needed to be done within the camera, allowing you to be more creative.

You can find more information about the Virtix Zoom release at the Virtix, Inc. Web site. Virtix Zoom is available for US$19.95.

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