Research Shows New iPad Runs 10 Degrees Hotter

iPad Infrared HotterImage via

As translated by Engadget, compared an iPad 2 with a 2012 iPad while running the GLBenchmark, which tests both the device’s CPU and GPU. After running the benchmark for five minutes, the iPads were examined with an infrared camera which showed the iPad 2 running at 28.3 degrees Celsius (82.9 degrees Fahrenheit) while the 2012 iPad operated at 33.6 degrees Celsius (92.5 degrees Fahrenheit).

Because the CPU in the new iPad is nearly identical to that of the prior generation, Tweakers surmises that the increase in heat is likely due to the much more powerful GPU found in Cupertino’s latest tablet. 

While it is too early to determine if the increased operating temperatures will have a detrimental effect on the longevity or operation of the new iPad, the noticeable increase in heat production may offset the device’s new features for users sensitive to the heat increase.

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