Modern Family Episode Revolves Around Trying to Get an iPad

In episode 1.19, “Game Changer,” Phil is planning on waiting in line to get a new iPad on his birthday, both of which take place on the same day in the episode. Phil’s wife, Claire, wanting to do something nice on his birthday, volunteers to do the line-sitting for him.

And zany hijinks ensue – being Modern Family, most of those zany antics leave the viewer laughing somewhat uncomfortably.

The show got a lot of little details right, too. There was the need for the line itself, and the fact that one had to be in line before dawn to ensure getting an iPad. Nitpickers will note that being in line for this particular product launch is superseded by having pre-orders, but this is TV we’re discussing.

Spoiler: In any event, the episode ends with Phil getting his iPad and blowing out virtual candles just by blowing on the screen, though we’re not sure how that was done.

Modern Family Screen 1
Birthday candles on the iPad.

Modern Family Screenshot 2
Phil blowing the candles out.

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