Flash Player Missing from New MacBook Air

There’s no word on why Apple chose to leave Flash Player out of the new laptop’s factory software installation, which will no doubt lead to speculation that the company is beginning to distance itself even more from the current Internet media playback standard.

The new MacBook Air: Flash-free. Sort of.

Flash isn’t supported on Apple’s iOS devices which include the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Instead, Apple is pushing HTML5 and CSS3 for online multimedia content.

The new MacBook Air was introduced on Wednesday during a special media event on the Apple campus. The revamped laptop weighs in under three pounds, dumps an internal hard drive in favor of flash RAM, and offers instant on and up to 30 days of standby time between battery recharges.

Adobe hasn’t commented on Apple’s choice to not include Flash Player with the default OS installation on the MacBook Air.

[Thanks to Engadget for the heads up.]

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