Pack Your PowerMac G5 with 5TB of Storage with G5Jam+

PowerMac G5 with G5Jam+

According to James Wiebe, CEO of WiebeTech, with the recent introduction of a 500GB SATA drive from Hitachi, a PowerMac G5 using G5Jam+ can support a maximum of 3TB (6 x 500 GB) of internal storage, and 2TB (4 x 500GB) of external storage. G5Jam+ ships with a replacement air baffle and a SATA card to provide additional drive connections. G5Jam+ occupies space which normally supports full length PCI cards in slots 1, 2 and 3. Therefore, PCI Slots 1, 2 and 3 are restricted to short length cards. Slot 4 may be a full length card.

Available options include the plain G5Jam+ with no drives, and is priced at US$599.95. On the other end of the scale, the G5Jam+ can be ordered with 4 400GB SATA drives, and is priced at $2,849.95. There are also several options between these, with a varying number of drives and capacities.

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