Ready For Macworld? Got Your TMO Mac Shirt?


acworld is just around the corner, three weeks or so, for those keeping score at home. While sitting around the water cooler at the TMO Towers, Fact Checker Thomas Stafford suggested that Macworld might make a good excuse to hawk our line of TMO Mac merchandise again. The editorial staff [In this case, that means me. – Editor] agreed, and the result is being displayed on your screen now.

Thereis still plenty of time to order for Macworld, but we recommend you get your orders in sooner, rather than later. These products have been enormously popular, for which we thank you, and if you want to show off your Macness before, during, and after the show, make sure you order now. For your titillation, we present those products:

We offer our product line with pride, and we hope that you like them. We also hope you will support TMO by purchasing some of them. Thatis the key.

The shirts are priced at US$19.95, and we are still offering our US$2.00 off coupon. The hats are priced at US$18.95, and the very cool mugs are priced at US$14.95. If you want multiple products, go ahead and order once for each product so that you can use the coupon on each one of them. To use the coupon, enter the coupon code TMO-01 at checkout (thatis TMO-(zero)1).

Thanks, on behalf of the entire team at TMO!




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