App For Creating 3D Mesh Models Updated, Gains OS X Compatibility

Codenautics Software is pleased to announce version 1.8 of Meshwork!

Meshwork is an application for creating and editing highly efficient 3D models composed of triangular meshes. Models created with Meshwork are ideal for use in games, on the web, or in other applications where speed matters; but Meshwork is also widely used for such purposes as ray-tracing because it is so affordable and easy to learn.

Version 1.8 is the first version of Meshwork to run natively under Mac OS X. In addition, it sports a number of enhancements and bug fixes (see Release Notes below). This update continues Codenautics Softwareis commitment to producing the best trimesh modeling tool available on the Mac platform.

Meshwork is available for US$30. You can find more information at the Codenautics Software Web site.

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