Leopard: IDLE-ing with Mail

Whatis IDLE, you ask? Itis a protocol that lets an IMAP email server tell your email client when you have new messages instead of waiting until your client app checks. When your email gets the signal telling it that you have new mail, it automatically updates your inbox. Think of it as proactive email checking instead of reactive checking.

Mail in Mac OS X 10.5 support IDLE, and itis easy to see if you are taking advantage of it. Hereis how:

  • Launch Mail.
  • Choose Mail > Preferences, and then click the Account tab.
  • Select an IMAP email account from the Accounts column.
  • If Use IDLE command if the server supports it is checked, the feature is already enabled. If not, go ahead and check it.

Leopardis Mail supports IMAPis IDLE protocol.

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