Podcast – Weekly Roundup: Portable Media Mergers and Microsoft Feature Creep

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NVIDIA purchases Portal Player, and Microsoft will start selling TV shows over XBox 360. In this week’s Context Machine Ricky and Jeff take a look at why portable media mergers are the new hotness, and why Microsoft is loosing the digital downloads war even where it’s winning the features battle. Also, the Shure SM7B in the Product Roundup.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • NVIDIA to Purchase PortalPlayer
  • Microsoft Deal Brings TV Shows to Xbox
  • Survey Finds Many iPod Owners Ready to Buy Zune [UPDATE]

    The Product Roundup

  • Shure – Wired Microphones – SM7B Vocal Microphone
  • AMD Unveils ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition
  • Apple Unveils Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook
  • Mac Gaming News – The Sims 2 Pets for the Mac Ships
  • Monday’s Mac Gadget – Need Small, Secure Storage? Check Out JumpDrive Mercury!
  • Review – iPod shuffle (2G)
  • Review – Miglia TVMini HD

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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