iPod Dominates Holiday Buying

Apple’s iPod product line is taking the holiday buying season by storm, out-pacing sales of other electronic items. Holiday shoppers are also becoming more tech-savvy, looking online for the best deals on their electronic gadget purchases.

As of Monday morning, Amazon listed the 30GB white video capable iPod as one of its top selling items. In the portable audio and video category, iPods or iPod related accessories held eight of the top ten spots, and all of the top five spots.

Internet searches for iPods are on the rise, too. From the beginning of November through December 4, more than 45.2 million iPod related searches were conducted, according to a report from comScore Networks. Searches for other electronic items was up, too, but the iPod held the top position. The Xbox 360 came in at number two with 34 million searches, and Sony’s PlayStation was fifth with 12.3 million searches. The other top five spots went to Harry Potter and Barbie.

Gian Fulgoni, comScore chairman, noted “[It’s] clear that search has become a mainstream way for consumers to research products, irrespective of whether their ultimate purchase will occur online or at a retail store.”

Demand for the iPod is so high, that many retailers are having difficulty keeping up with demand. Most third-party retailers are out of stock on several different models, but some are completely out of stock. Apple’s retail stores are having better luck with product replenishment.

The Mac Observer’s informal survey of Apple’s retail stores in the Denver area showed that the 4GB black iPod nano was the hardest to come by over the weekend of December 11. Several other retailers were out of stock on all nano models.

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