Here’s How to Stream iTunes Music on HomePod

You can stream Apple Music and Spotify on HomePod, but what if you don’t use either of those services? Not to worry, because you can stream iTunes music on HomePod.

Local Music on HomePod

You can stream iTunes music on HomePod. Image of iTunes music.
iTunes music library

This is identical to our set up with Spotify.

  1. Open Control Center, tap the Now Playing widget.
  2. Then tap the icon in the corner.
  3. Connect HomePod.

HomePod doesn’t support Bluetooth streaming, so you just have to make sure that you’re connected to AirPlay on your iPhone. This is what we did in the above steps. The difference between streaming local music vs. Apple Music is that you’re limited with Siri.

Like Spotify, you can use Siri to play, pause, and skip songs in your iTunes music library. But you can’t request new music using Siri, you’ll have to manually do it with your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

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