iOS 12: Find Songs by Lyrics in Apple Music

Music app on iPhone showing song lyrics search for Apple Music
Go to Search in Music (left), type lyrics for the song you want to find (center), and it should be in the results (right)

You don’t always know the name of a song or the artist’s name when you’re searching for music, but there’s a good chance you know at least some of the lyrics. iOS 12 lets you use your vast knowledge of lyrics to find the songs you want in Apple Music, and it’s easy to do.

Let’s say you know the phrase “Didn’t I see you crying” is in song you want to hear. Just tap the Search icon in the Music app on your iPhone or iPad, then type the lyrics into the search field. Next, tap Search.

Music app on iPhone showing song lyrics search for Apple Music
Go to Search in Music (left), type lyrics for the song you want to find (center), and it should be in the results (right)

The top result in my search was “I Want You to Want Me” by Cheap Trick. That’s exactly what I was looking for.

The cool thing is searching for songs in Apple Music looks at artist and band names, song and album titles, and lyrics at the same time. That means the odds of finding exactly what you’re looking for is pretty good.

If you need me I’ll be over here listening to some Cheap Trick.

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