Apple Partners With 100cameras for iPhoneography

Apple is partnering with the nonprofit organization 100cameras to teach Chicago students photography with iPhones.


Students of DRW College Prep will learn how to use photography as a way to tell their stories growing up in Chicago during issues like gentrification and gun violence. 100cameras and Apple are partnering to give these students the latest iPhone 11. After each program prints of the students’ photos are sold through 100cameras and 100% of the proceeds will be given back to local community partner organizations.

Students at DRW college prep

Angela Popplewell, 100cameras’ co-founder and CEO:

As the residents of a neighborhood in Chicago that is often overlooked, being given the new iPhone that had been released just a few weeks prior felt like a momentous opportunity. To see how excited they were to utilize the camera tools specific to this model uplifted their creativity even more. It was incredible seeing how they chose to utilize the wide-angle and Portrait modes to really capture their point of view and specific expressions.

The program has eight lessons with a series of photos drills and walks with professional photographers who volunteer with 100cameras. You can see the students’ photography at

Further Reading:

[Apple’s Very Parental App Store Decisions]

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