Following the announcement that eero networking devices are available on, the company now says they are available in Apple retail stores.
Eero Retail
Various types of devices are available, like the eero Mesh Wi-Fi Router, eero Pro Mesh Wi-Fi Router, and the eero Beacon Mesh Wi-Fi Range Extender. Eero products also support HomeKit, which means you can impose network security settings for HomeKit accessories. There are three security levels:
- Restrict to Home: Most secure. Your accessory can interact only with HomeKit through your Apple devices. The accessory won’t connect to the Internet or any local devices so any third-party services, like firmware updates, might be blocked.
- Automatic: Default security. Your accessory can communicate with HomeKit and connections recommended by its manufacturer.
- No Restriction: Least secure. This setting bypasses the secure router and allows your accessory to interact with any device in your network or Internet-based service.
Eero has its own security services too, called eero Secure and eero Secure+. People in the following countries can purchase eero products from Apple retail stores: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, and United States.
Biggest drawback is this product is AC and not AX.