Twitter Lets You Use a Security Key as Only 2FA Option

Twitter announced on Wednesday that it will let people use a security key as their only form of two-factor authentication.

Today, we’re adding the option to use security keys as your sole 2FA method — meaning you can enroll one or more security keys as the only form of 2FA on your Twitter account without a backup 2FA method. We know this is important to people because not everyone is able to have a backup 2FA method or wants to share their phone number with us.

Tesla iPhone App Getting 2FA

Tesla is set to introduce two-factor authentication to its iPhone App in shortly. CEO Elon Musk tweeted that the long-awaited iOS feature “is going through final validation right now,” AppleInsider.

In a response to a tweet on Friday asking about an ongoing project to add two-factor authentication to the app, Elon Musk apologized for the feature being “embarrassingly late,” but that it was on the way. According to Musk, two-factor authentication via SMS or an authenticator app is “going through final validation right now,” though it is unclear if this refers to Tesla’s own procedures or those relating to the App Store. The Tesla mobile app provides drivers with a lot of information and control for their electric car. From the app, users can change media being played, remotely change the climate control, locate the vehicle in a car park, interact with the navigation, and monitor the progress of recharging, among other elements.

Apple's Helpful Video on Using 2FA for Apple Devices

Check out this Apple video on using 2FA to secure your Apple devices. I won’t pass up an opportunity to promote device and service security. For instance—and while I’m here—DON’T REUSE PASSWORDS! So, anyway, Apple has this short (only 6 seconds) how-to video that gives you the quick run-down on using 2FA to protect your Apple ID. Really, it’s a pointer to a more in-depth piece on using 2FA, and that article has a lot of good information. TMO has some great articles on 2FA, too, and too, and too, and too. Many of our readers already know this stuff, but we all have friends and family who don’t. Pass it to them. Post a link in social media. Help the people who count on you for tech stuff learn more about protecting their digital #^%$!