Vevo Reportedly Develops Apple TV App for Streaming Music Videos

Apple TVVevo is reportedly developing an specifically for Apple TV that will stream music videos to Apple's settop box. This would be a new service for Apple TV, as Vevo hasn't had a presence on the device and Apple hasn't announced that it would.

The news comes from AdAge, a well-connected magazine. Citing unnamed sources, AdAge said that Vevo's app would deliver content from Vevo's newly minted Vevo TV service, which is sort of like a music television station. Mind-boggling (we're glaring at you, Viacom)!

Vevo's flagship app for iOS and Android originally allowed users to search for music videos, make playlists, and share what they're watching on Facebook and other social networking sites. Vevo TV was launched in March both online and through Vevo's app as a passive watch-the-music-videos-as-we-stream-them-to-you kind of service.

The Vevo TV app for Apple TV would bring that music video channel-like service to Apple TV, which would frankly be awesome. Note that you can already stream to Apple TV through AirPlay on iPhone and iPad, but choosing it directly on the Apple TV will be a more direct way to enjoy it.

What remains to be seen is whether this is a special partnership with Apple—similar to Netflix and Hulu—or whether Vevo is being offered early access to a more open Apple TV with apps that can be downloaded from the App Store.

Our guess is the former—note that we do not doubt AdAge's story—and that Apple TV will remain an invitation-only platform for the near future.

If word of Vevo's app is leaking now, chances are this will be announced this fall when Apple holds media events to launch iOS, Mavericks, the new Mac Pro, new iPhones, and new iPads. We expect more than one such media event this year, just as we saw last fall.

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