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Andrew Orr

Since 2015 Andrew has been writing about Apple, privacy, security, and at one point even Android. You can find him most places online under the username @andrewornot.

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AdGuard’s Shortcut Can Help Block YouTube Ads

AdGuard, creator of a popular adblocker of the same name, started getting complaints from users that YouTube ads were slipping through. It turns out Google deployed a new algorithm for showing ads to logged in users (Read more here). AdGuard was able to create a shortcut that can block these new ads while they build similar functionality to block them with the AdGuard app. You don’t need to have the AdGuard app installed to run the shortcut. Download Shortcut

Using an M1 iPad Pro for Photography

Photographer Austin Mann recently published a review of the M1 iPad Pro, specifically in how it can be used in photography.

As any photographer knows, one of the most time-consuming parts of the photo creation process is culling through thousands of images, making selects, and editing the images. Thanks to the M1 chip, faster internal storage, and a few other improvements, the new iPad Pro with M1 is the fastest image sorting tool I’ve ever used.

Treasury Department Wants Mandatory Reporting for Crypto Transfers Over $10K

The U.S. Treasury Department wants new rules [PDF] to make it easier to track how cryptocurrency moves around. Businesses would also be required to report cryptocurrency transactions above US$10,000 to the IRS.

According to the report, the IRS collects 99 percent of taxes due on wages, but that number is estimated to be as low as 45 percent on non-labor income, a discrepancy that hugely benefits high earners with “less visible” income sources. The Treasury calls virtual currency, which has some reporting requirements but still operates mostly out of sight in regulatory grey areas, a particular challenge.

Ultimately, I think this is good for cryptocurrency because it gains legitimacy with moves like this.

Bombich Software Releases Carbon Copy Cloner 6

Bombich Software has recently released Carbon Copy Cloner 6, the latest update for its backup program. The team says: “It’s a major upgrade with a redesigned interface and dozens of new features. It’s been almost four years since our last major release and we’ve packed in a ton of new features.” CCC can now use the macOS FSEvents service for a list of folders modified on the source since the last backup rather than scanning every folder for changes. The UI has also been redesigned and includes dark mode and a more detailed progress indication when a task is running, and more.

Lux Releases ‘Halide’ Camera App for the iPad

Lux, the company that makes the Halide and Specter camera apps, announced on Tuesday Halide for iPad.

We did bring all of the powerful features from iPhone, though: You can shoot RAW with your iPad, apply Instant RAW, view images and extensive metadata in detail in the reviewer, access our powerful Depth mode, and much more. Tons of refinements, design details and tidbits were added and changed to be great on the big screen, and we can’t wait for you to discover them all.

App Store Link

LastPass Introduces Improved Multi-Factor Authenticator App

LastPass by LogMeIn announced on Wednesday that it enhanced its mobile authenticator app and integrates with VPN providers Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, and OpenVPN for businesses. However, the authenticator app is available to all LastPass users.

With this update, the LastPass Authenticator will offer a refreshed user interface that now offers search functionality to reduce user complexity and streamline the authentication experience.

Inside Apple’s Controversial Relationship With the Chinese Government

On Monday, the New York Times published an investigative piece about Apple’s relationship with the Chinese government, and how it has to comply with its laws there.

Internal Apple documents reviewed by The New York Times, interviews with 17 current and former Apple employees and four security experts, and new filings made in a court case in the United States last week provide rare insight into the compromises Mr. Cook has made to do business in China. They offer an extensive inside look — many aspects of which have never been reported before — at how Apple has given in to escalating demands from the Chinese authorities.

Summon the Seven Princes of Hell With ‘The Book of Asmodeus’

“5300 years ago Asmodeus wrote a book that people can summon his demons. If you defeat the demons, all earthly lust and pleasure are yours. In 2021 we found that book.” The Book of Asmodeus is an “interactive horror book and game” that involves using the augmented reality capabilities on your iPhone. The Kickstarter page lists it as an upcoming project, but the team’s Medium post shares the details. In the game it sounds like you “summon” AR demons and defeat them, all while writing your own story. It sounds like one of those Choose Your Own Adventure books. The book in question looks really cool. The team says it’s handmade with a 3D printed/polymer clay cover, with pages showing original artwork. There will be a PDF version for US$49 and a super early bird Kickstarter reward for the hardcover-US$79.

Dealing With CAPTCHAs Costs Humanity 500 Years Per Day

Cloudflare wants to kill CAPTCHAs and replace them with security keys like YubiKey.

Based on our data, it takes a user on average 32 seconds to complete a CAPTCHA challenge. There are 4.6 billion global Internet users. We assume a typical Internet user sees approximately one CAPTCHA every 10 days.

This very simple back of the envelope math equates to somewhere in the order of 500 human years wasted every single day — just for us to prove our humanity.

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