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Bryan Chaffin

Bryan Chaffin is the cofounder of The Mac Observer and currently serves as Afternoon Editor. He has contributed to MacAddict and MacFormat magazines, and co-authored the last two updates of iPad and iPad Pro for Dummies with Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus and Ed Baig. You can find out more about Bryan at his personal site, GeekTells, or find his Twitter link below.

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AMD Comdex Keynote Devoid Of Apple Connection

W e reported this morning that Leo Laporte of TechTVis ScreenSavers said yesterday that Apple would be involved in todayis Comdex keynote presentation from AMD CEO Hector Ruiz. Apple was nowhere to be seen, however, though the keynote from Mr. Ruiz focused on such topics as turning the computer into the center of peopleis homes,…

Iraq's Acceptance, Consumer Spending Help Boost Apple's Stock 4.55%

I raqis official acceptance of the U.N. resolution demanding access for weapons inspectors helped set the markets on fire. Worry exists that Iraq will continue the same delaying games and rites of obfuscation that it engaged in throughout the 1990s, but todayis markets chose to focus on the positive. Added to this was good news…

Apple Updates Hot Deals For CompUSA & J&R Computing

A pple has updated the Hot Deals page for J&R Computing and CompUSA at the Macintosh Product Guide. The Mac Product Guide is a list of Mac compatible hardware and software products one the market. The Hot Deals section of the Product guide feature several Mac retailers and special offers that one can only get,…

Dell iPod News Helps Push Apple To 9-Week High

N ews that Dell will be selling Appleis iPod, and official confirmation from Apple that Target will be doing the same thing, helped propel AAPL to a new 8-week high. According to, Apple will be selling Windows iPods through its online Web site soon, and is already selling the MP3 players through its phone…

Apple Death Knell Counter

The Apple Death Knell Counter (ADKC) is a collection of death pronouncements for Apple throughout the years. Issued by journalists, analysts, pundits, business executives, and the like, there have been innumerable "Apple is dead," "Apple will soon be dead," and "Apple is dead if they don’t do this or that" statements issued by all sorts…

Apple Updates Hot Deals From

A pple has updated the Hot Deals page for at the Macintosh Product Guide. The Mac Product Guide is a list of Mac compatible hardware and software products on the market. The Hot Deals section of the Product guide feature several Mac retailers, including some new audio-oriented retailers, and special offers that one can…

Guess Who Turns Up As #1 In Google Search For "Stoned Chicks"

Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction. For instance, do a search on Google for "Stoned Chicks," and you wouldn’t think the number one result returned in that search would be an Apple Web page, yet there it is. TMO forum mod Jon Stanard noted that searching on Google for those two words pointed you to…

Make iChat's Text Input Field Bigger With iChat Enhancer 1.3

G eekSpiff has updated its iChat enhancement utility that is conveniently called iChat Enhancer. iChat Enhancer adds one simple, and much needed, feature to iChat, the ability to make the input text field larger than one-line high. From the productis Web page: Version 1.3 adds Japanese localization and is updated to use version 1.1 of…

Apple To Give Free Copies Of Jaguar & iApps To Teachers

Apple is stepping up its efforts in the education market with a new promotion for schools called "X for Teachers." This program will literally give not-for-resale copies of Jaguar away to eligible teachers (see Apple’s rules for this offer for eligibility and other requirements). Those teachers will also get copies of iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, and…

Apple Updates Hot Deals From J&R Computing, CompUSA, DVDirect

A pple has updated the Hot Deals for J&R Computing, CompUSA, and DVDirect at the Macintosh Product Guide. The Mac Product Guide is a list of Mac compatible hardware and software products on the market. The Hot Deals section of the Product guide feature several Mac retailers, including some new audio-oriented retailers, and special offers…

Apple Updates Hot Deals From Outpost & ClubMac

A pple has updated the Hot Deals for and ClubMac at the Macintosh Product Guide. The Mac Product Guide is a list of Mac compatible hardware and software products on the market. The Hot Deals section of the Product guide feature several Mac retailers, including some new audio-oriented retailers, and special offers that one…

Microsoft Offers, Then Pulls, Its Own Mac-To-Windows Switcher Story

[ Update: Within a few minutes of having posted this story, Microsoft pulled its Switcher story.] Microsoft, in its tried and true tradition of copying everything it can from its competitors, has posted its own Mac-to-Windows Switcher story. No, seriously. The company has posted a Switcher story from a freelance writer touting the wonders of…

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