John Kheit digs into where Apple’s CSAM scanning is taking place, arguing that where Apple reads your files is super important for privacy.
Articles by John Kheit
Apple, You Broke Your Privacy Promises and Our Hearts
John sees Apple reversing its commitment to privacy, which he feels has broken the hearts of many apple fans, including his own.
Computer Device Makers Ignore Bit-Flip Errors and Data Corruption
Modern devices seem to likely have a bit flipped almost every day, and the problem only gets worse with more memory and smaller fabrication circuits, and John Kheit wants to know why all modern computer and mobile device makers haven’t moved to ECC memory.
Apple Pencil Needs an Eraser and Swipe Gestures for Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo [Update]
John Kheit says that he enjoys using his Apple Pencil with the iPad Pro, but argues that it needs a few things to make it a lot more useful.
Mac Pro: All Apologies, Signed Apple Pundits
Apple’s new Mac Pro is a great machine, but John Kheit argues that it leaves a hole for enthusiasts, and that those enthusiasts are walking away from Apple.
Tim Cook Is a Failure at Operations
Operations are supposed to be what Tim Cook does best. Under Steve Jobs he was the Chief Operating Officer at Apple. And while he may have done a great job there, he is a failure at it as CEO.
Apple Needs to Expand Its Product Grid to Include an Edition Category
Designers would win by being able to make more focused and less compromised designs; consumers would win with more choices; Apple would win with greater focused products, more revenue, better margins, and better market share.
A Cross Platform HomePod Could Be Apple’s Next iPod
Apple is making a mistake by not making HomePod cross platform—if it did, the HomePod could become Apple’s next iPod.
iPhones Aren't Addictive, They’re Just Useful
A new meme of complaining to mommy Apple that your iPhone is too addictive is gaining momentum amongst a growing bastion of meek minds hiding their own many failings behind their favorite veil of victimhood.
Will the Cellular Apple Watch Cause Cancer?
John Kheit ponders that if cellular Apple Watches are always left always on, that there is a fair chance at some point people will determine that cellular Apple Watches cause cancer.
Apple Seemingly Kills macOS Server, Deprecates Many Essential Services
This is yet another blow for those, particularly small businesses, that were relying on Apple for Enterprise/IT services.
Apple Blows Security
John Kheit thinks that Apple is mismanaging security, and that its quality assurance and attention to detail have gone to hell.
Construction Site Progress at 5th Avenue Apple Store in NYC
The underground 5th Avenue Apple store has been closed for renovation/reconstruction, and we have photographs of the major construction taking place at the location.
Benchmarking iPad Pro 12.9-inch: 2015 vs 2017
This includes some benchmarks from Geekbench 4 and PerformanceTest Mobile, as well as my experiments with Apple Pencil.
The Cloud Is a Lie
The cloud is a lie. John Kheit argues that if you believe in the cloud, you’re not only a sucker, you’ve been brainwashed into accepting your lot as a 2nd class digital citizen. According to him, the cloud is a lie because it convinces you of at least two Stockholm syndrome things: (1) you don’t deserve to own or control your own data, and (2) security for your data does not matter.
Matias Wireless Aluminum Keyboard: The Apple Keyboard You've Been Looking For
John Kheit has been searching for a wireless keyboard with a numeric trackpad that he likes, and he’s finally found it, the Matias Wireless Aluminum Keyboard. He put it through its paces and fell in love. Check out his full review for more.
Apple Has Missed the Plot
John Kheit thinks Apple has lost the plot about what users need in Apple devices, especially with creative pros. He argues that Microsoft nailed it with Surface Studio, while Apple’s new MacBook Pro is a far cry from a pro Mac.
Apple Hates Music Lovers Who Want to Own Their Music
John Kheit is in a frothing-at-the-mouth rage about iTunes in iOS and macOS Sierra. From missing ratings to iCloud downloads for songs that should be local, he’s fighting mad.
iPhones Are Now Faster than Macs
It’s official—well at least according to reported Geekbench scores spotted in the wild! iPhones are now faster than Macs! The latest, and most recently updated, 2016 12” MacBook is slower than the iPhone 7 Plus.
Apple Might Destroy the EU
It looks like the European Commission (EC) will rule against Apple and Ireland’s tax arrangement. If the European Union (EU) bullies Ireland (via the EC or other proxy) and basically rules that Ireland doesn’t have the sovereign right to set its own tax rates, there is some chance it could be a wedge issue that pushes Ireland to decide to leave the European Union.
Apple Innovation Timeline - Revolutions Keep on Turning
Apple continues to turn out product and service revolutions, even after the loss of Steve Jobs. This Apple innovation timeline shows the company is pumping out those revolutions at the same pace it did with Steve.
Three Old Constitutional Arguments Apply Equally Well to Apple's iPhone and the FBI
App: Constitution for iPhone and iPod Touch If you love the constitution, the right to privacy, and America, you should support Apple against the government's push to destroy your civil liberties. Although there are many technical nuances that can mire down the discussion around this issue, 3 tried and true constitutional arguments against eroding our…
iPad/iPhone Apps Should Run as 'Desk Touch Apps' in OS X
Mac OS Desktop Accessories So why hasn't Apple considered letting users run iPad/iPhone apps on the Mac in their own windows akin to the desk accessories of yore? Imagine accessing multiple mobile apps, games, etc. on your Mac as little desk accessory apps/widgets (let's call them Desk Touch Apps). It could look something like this:…
Tech Press Gets It Wrong on iPhone 4S
We’ve seen this Apple did this once before. It released a somewhat modest upgrade from the first iPhone model called the iPhone 3G. But you see, Apple called the new phone an iPhone 3G instead of an iPhone 1S. And its shape was a bit different, so that must mean it’s new! Later, Apple upgraded…