Just a Thought - No Boston? OK!


- September 19th, 2005

I've never attended a Macworld Expo. I've always wanted to, intended to; I just never got around to doing it. When Macworld Expo East was in New York, I had actually set aside some time and funds to attend, but, as luck would have it, something more important always came up.

Now I read that IDG, the folks who put on the Macworld Expos in San Francisco and Boston, have announced that they are canceling next year's Boston Macworld Expo.

Well, I knew it was gonna happen: Macworld Expo East was pretty much doomed the day Apple announced it would not attend the show if it were held in Boston. That IDG took this long to decide to kill Macworld Expo in Boston says something about the company, I'm not sure what it says, but, it's there.

So, now there are two Mac shows; Macworld Expo San Francisco, the Apple Expo in Paris. All of them at least 2000 miles away from my door.

've been to San Francisco once a long time ago; great city. -Lots- of nice hills there, and I hear it's a great place to leave a heart.

I visited Paris once too; absolutely loved it there. In stark contrast to the many warnings I got before going, the few French folk I met were very nice to me, and they knew I was an American. Go figure!

One expo and one Paris show- may be enough for the rest of the world, but not for us; the U.S. is Apple's biggest market, and we deserve two Mac shows. So, I was thinking; maybe Macworld Expo East does not have to be in the North East. Maybe what Apple needs to do is come up with a completely new venue for the show. Maybe it's time to get a little creative:

Dr. Jobs Traveling Apple Show

Take it on the road! Apple should hook up with 50 of its prime accessory vendors, rent 5 long haulers and schedule 12 weekend dates in various parts of America. After all, not everyone lives near an Apple store, and not everyone can appreciate what it is to be an owner of Apple hardware.

Each Mini Expo could invite local and regional vendors so that there's a show big enough to attraction more than just Mac fans.

Have keynotes given by lower level Apple management, -giving- these guys and girls some public exposure. Jobs could train these guys in the generation of the famed Reality Distortion Field so that these Jobs acolytes can whip the crowd into a mouth foaming frenzy.

Each keynote could start off hitting and updating major points given by Jobs at the San Francisco Macworld Expo, then center on a particular aspect of Apple, like graphics, IT, or music; that way each show would offer something fresh.

Apple would be aces with local user groups and vendors.

Mac WORLD Show

It's always nice to see Steve Jobs give his keynotes at Mac shows; they are the highlight of every show, so why limit the keynote and Mac show to the lucky few who can attend in person?

Why not have virtual shows, where keynotes and other discussion group are shared via video conferencing to strategic cities with venues set up to accommodate local and regional vendors?

After all, this is the Digital Age, and we are Children of the Internet; let's live up to our title.

It's Nice If You Don't Mind A Few Hurricanes

Not that I have any personal interest in seeing a South-Eastern Macworld Expo, but then again, why not have one here in Orlando?

We've got a convention center like you wouldn't believe, and more hotels than you can shake a dead cat at.

True enough, Pixar and Disney aren't on the best of terms at the moment, but that could change, then you could see some really nice convention packages: Spend a day with Jobs and an evening with Walt!

If you have a thing against The Mouse, there are all sorts of other mischief you can get into either at one of other parks, like Universal Studios, Sea World, or the zillion other attractions.

Beaches are about an hour away, there are 3 airports nearby, and we really could use the money.

Will Apple do any of the stuff I suggested? Doubtful, but you never know: You just never really know.

One benefit would be that I'd finally get to attend a Macworld Expo.

Of course, with my luck, I'll be forced to move to Boston the year Apple decides that having a show in Orlando really isn't a bad idea. Such is my life.