Can't Open a File? Extension Wizard Can Help...
April 17th, 2000

Extension Wizard 1.0 ($19.95 Shareware)
Cajun Software

The Mac OS has a few ways to deal with foreign files. For files that come from PC media, the File Exchange control panel can translate a three-letter filename extension to the appropriate Type and Creator codes used by Mac files. There's also the Internet control, whose Advanced settings include file mappings similar to those of File Exchange. But you may obtain a file that can't take advantage of these tools. Enter Extension Wizard...

Extension Wizard is an application that will examine a file's extension (the three or four letter suffix at the end of a file, beginning with a period, such as .jpeg) and set the file's Type and Creator code. It can be activated by either dragging and dropping a file onto the Extension Wizard application, or by launching the application and then choosing Convert... from the File menu. By using drag and drop, you can convert several file, one by one.

Extension Wizard in Action

Although Extension Wizard comes with a comprehensive set of mappings, you may want to modify them, or even add your own. This can be accomplished via the Extension Mappings... feature, available from the Edit menu. If creating a new extension, you can define the extension(s) to be mapped, and then select a document or application. If selecting a document, the mapping will be applied immediately. If choosing an application, you can select from among all the possible codes that application owns.

With Extension Wizard, you'll never have to deal with documents that won't open, or, even worse, opens in the wrong application.

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Useful Link

Extension Wizard Home Page