EarthBrowser 1.2.2 ($19.95 Shareware) Sure, there are web sites that you can use to find out what is happening in the world. But if you want to know what is going on in multiple locations simultaneously, you may find that you will quickly run out of screen real estate, even with a large screen. If there only was a way to view weather, earthquakes and other events via a single visual representation... EarthBrowser shows a rotating Earth, and can display major occurrences such as weather systems, earthquakes and volcanoes in their actual locations. By default, the Earth will be rotating. You can change the speed and even direction of rotation, or stop it. You can choose to have EarthBrowser accurately apply light and dark areas, based on the time of day. Earth View, Complete with Night/Day and Clouds EarthBrowser also show actual cloud cover, taken from live government satellite data. If you double-click on a city, you'll get detailed conditions and a forecast. Yes, your tax dollars at work! You can also view recent earthquakes around the world. Each will be shown with a circle. Passing the cursor over the circle will tell the location, time and date of the earthquake. Clicking will go to a web page with more detailed info about the event. Plus, the rotating Earth can be used as a screen saver. Another feature, and perhaps the most fun (unless you consider earthquakes fun) is the ability to see various web cams around the world. Some locations have multiple cameras, such as New York, where you can view 5th Avenue, Times Square, World Trade Center or Rockefeller Center. Watch those crazy New Yorkers run in front of traffic! Or check out the excitement (or lack thereof) at the South Pole. Make sure you know what is going on in the world, and get EarthBrowser. Have any other Mac OS Gadgets that you like better than the old "puck" mouse? Let John know via e-mail, so he can review it, or share it with the rest of us in the Mac Gadget Forum. |