Awesome Tiny House Built in Style of Lunar Lander

Awesome Tiny House Built in Style of Lunar Lander

Kurt Hughes, in Seattle, has used his boat design experience to construct a 250 square foot (23 square meter) tiny house in the style of the lunar lander used in the U.S. Apollo program. It features a kitchenette, breakfast alcove (with a view), bathroom and sleeping quarters. The home will be used for “weekend trips and creative respites.” The photos are great, so take a look.

Check It Out: Awesome Tiny House Built in Style of Lunar Lander

2 thoughts on “Awesome Tiny House Built in Style of Lunar Lander

  • Much as I like the idea of a low footprint, compact house- the target site doesn’t like my adblocker and do not track settings, so I can only read the titles of the pages. The cross list of provided by Do Not Track came to about forty different links.. so won’t be reading further!

    That’s tough for them, ‘cos their intrusive nosiness means I won’t be reading anything.

  • With due respect I am mystified as to why articles like this are appearing lately in TMO. There have been articles containing purely political commentary about net neutrality and other non-Apple issues in addition to “general interest” items like this that can be found in dozens of other publications.

    Others may differ but I trust and value TMO’s (former) focus on Apple/Mac/iOS-related news and features. Articles such as this one and purely political commentary (which are typically editorial rants) dilute that focus and make the site and RSS feed less valuable.

    As one who has launched, built and sold publications in the past I’d recommend sticking to the mission. Exert your efforts on serving the needs of your readers that come here for what the site title implies and it will continue to grow. Ignore those needs and you risk losing their interest.

    Just my 2 cents.

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