Dr. Mac had tried air-vent iPhone mounts in the past, but they always felt less stable to him than the good, old CD-slot mounts—now he’s found a solution to his iPhone car mount he loves.
Columns & Opinions
There Are Ways of Talking to Your AI That Are Dangerous
The subject of how tempted we are to treat artificial intelligent entities as real human beings has some up once again.
iOS 11 Control Center Needs a VPN Button
You can’t enable your VPN service from Control Center in iOS 11. That seems like a feature begging to happen.
Apple Buys Texture, Diving into Journalism in the wake of Facebook's Fake News Problem
The move appears to be quite a significant strategic play from Apple at the time when Facebook has very publicly moved away from news and media.
Elon Musk at SXSW: He’s Not Steve Jobs - in Some Ways, He’s Better
Dave Hamilton had always viewed Elon Musk through the same lens as I viewed Steve Jobs, but after seeing him speak at SxSW, he realized he was wrong.
A Cross Platform HomePod Could Be Apple’s Next iPod
Apple is making a mistake by not making HomePod cross platform—if it did, the HomePod could become Apple’s next iPod.
Apple's HomePod Video Ad is in a Creative Rut
Apple’s HomePod video ad focuses on the old, tried and true. Takes few risks and is predictable. What happened?
Here's Why I'm Tired of Saying 'Hey Siri'
Saying “Hey Siri” is an awkward way to invoke Apple’s voice assistant platform. It’s time to drop the “Hey” and make talking to Siri feel more natural, like Amazon’s Alexa.
Everything iPhone Users Need to Know About 5G Wireless
John provides a basic introduction to the coming 5G wireless technology for the curious iPhone user.
iTunes LP Demise Doesn't Mean Apple is Done Selling Music
Apple is reportedly discontinuing iTunes LP, but that doesn’t mean digital song and album purchases are going away.
iPhones Aren't Addictive, They’re Just Useful
A new meme of complaining to mommy Apple that your iPhone is too addictive is gaining momentum amongst a growing bastion of meek minds hiding their own many failings behind their favorite veil of victimhood.
What Would it Be Like to Go Back to macOS Snow Leopard?
Some have fond remembrances of the halcyon days of Mac OS X Snow Leopard. But what would it really be like to go back to this venerable OS?
Dr. Mac Weighs the Pros and Cons of Replacing Photoshop
Dr. Mac is looking for a Photoshop replacement that can serve all his image-editing needs at a price he can afford and without monthly payments.
Apple's Product Line is Complex. And it's Perfect
Some might insist that Apple’s product line has become bloated. Actually, it’s perfect.
iOS 11.3: Understanding iPhone Battery Management
Apple’s promised new iPhone battery performance management features are in iOS 11.3 developer beta 2. Here’s what you can expect when your iPhone battery starts wearing out.
Will the Cellular Apple Watch Cause Cancer?
John Kheit ponders that if cellular Apple Watches are always left always on, that there is a fair chance at some point people will determine that cellular Apple Watches cause cancer.
Here's What's Coming in The Next Version of macOS
June’s WWDC is not far away, so it’s not too early to start talking about what Apple may have in store for the next version of macOS.
Tech Spec Showdown: Apple HomePod vs Amazon Echo vs Google Home
Apple HomePod, Amazon Echo, and Google Home can all stream music, but how do they stack up against each other?
Apple Seemingly Kills macOS Server, Deprecates Many Essential Services
This is yet another blow for those, particularly small businesses, that were relying on Apple for Enterprise/IT services.
iPhone X Will Be Discontinued, but not Because It's a Market Failure
There’s a report out saying the iPhone X has been a disappointment for Apple and is being discontinued this summer. Here’s why that report is off base.
Post CES 2018 Update on the State of 4K/UHD HDR Formats
The 4K/UHD HDR standards are in place, and Apple TV 4K honors the most important ones. But there are a few wrinkles to be aware of.
The Odd Thing Apple Does with Apple TV 4K in Several Stores
Apple is doing something unexpected with its Apple TV 4K demos in several of its Denver Metro retail stores.
FBI Director Renews Calls for Magical Encryption Bypass, Doesn't Believe Experts Who Call It Impossible
Citing more than 7,700 locked devices the FBI can’t get into, Director Christopher Wray said he doesn’t believe experts who claim you can’t weaken encryption without putting everyone at risk.
Apple Isn't Buying Netflix
Speculation quickly turned to rumor thanks to Citi analysts, and now the internet thinks Apple is buying Netflix.