Dr. Mac offers up a few more things you can try before you throw in the towel when your Mac is on the fritz.
Columns & Opinions
Gifts for Geeks (Part II)
As promised in his last column, Dr. Mac has more great gift ideas at reasonable prices for the geeks you love.
Just in Case...
Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus offers up a few of the iPhone cases that he’s found to be impressive in 2021, which is saying something considering how many cases cross his desk.
Gifts for Geeks (Part I)
Dr. Mac has some low-cost (and no-cost) gift ideas for the geeks in your life, including Apple Watch suggestions, tips on getting refurbished stuff, and more.
Apple's US$275 Billion China Deal Faces Criticism
Details of Tim Cook’s personal interventions with officials in China and a US$275 billion deal signed in order to do business there have been revealed.
No to Monterey (still), but Yes to PopClip
Dr. Mac’s still having issues with Monterey but that hasn’t stopped him from finding a time-saving utility he’s become enamored with of late.
The Rocky Road to Monterey
Dr. Mac’s upgrade to macOS Monterey was neither pleasant nor pretty, and he lays out some of the pitfalls he’s experienced so you don’t have to!
Lessons Learned on a Recent Road Trip
Dr. Mac discovered a few things on a recent road trip that he thinks you may find useful (or at least thought-provoking).
Live Text Is Way Cool!
Bob LeVitus shows us how Live Text lets you copy text from a picture and then share it, translate it, dial it, open it, and much more.
Why Apple's Move Into Sports Broadcasting is Not Inevitable
The general consensus is that Apple will broadcast live sports through TV+ in the not too distant future. That may not be the case.
Does Apple Need to Get More Into HomeKit Hardware?
Is a lack of Apple-branded HomeKit hardware a death knell for the smart home ecosystem? Jeff Butts explains why he doesn’t think so.
Companies Totally Miss the Point of App Tracking Transparency
Peloton is the latest to blame Apple’s App Tracking Transparency for lost revenues. Instead of pointing fingers, change they should adapt.
Dr. Mac REALLY Likes his iPhone 13 Pro Max!
Dr. Mac presents three reasons he loves his new iPhone 13 Pro Max: exceptional battery life, beautiful screen, best camera ever.
Is the New MacBook Pro as “Pro” As It Could Be?
The new MacBook Pro is certainly a welcome upgrade. However, with some components already outdated, is it as “pro” as it could be?
How to Avoid Becoming Powerless
If you suffer from FOROOJ (Fear of Running Out of Juice), Dr. Mac has the cure (and it’s not “more cowbell…”)
Trying to Understand Why The Apple Music Voice Plan Exists
Following its recent unveiling, some good explanations for why the Apple Music Voice plan exists are starting to come to light.
Understanding Apple’s Unified Memory Architecture
Apple has just announced improvements to its Unified Memory Architecture, but what the devil is it? Jeff Butts breaks down how UMA helps.
Understanding NFC, Apple Pay, and the EU’s Complaint
The EU is citing Cupertino for antitrust concerns related to its NFC Apple Pay exclusivity. Let’s look at what all that really means.
Tips and Tricks for Setting Up a New iPhone
After encountering migration hiccups with his new iPhone 13 Pro Max, Dr. Mac offers tips and advice to make your transition easier.
Surprise! iPad Mini 6 Has Smaller Usable Display
Frank Cioffi is a big fan of Apple’s iPad mini, but was surprised to find that even though the display is bigger diagonally with the new iPad mini 6, the way that real estate is used makes for less actual usable space in some key areas.
EU’s Mobile Charging Port Law Won’t Stifle Innovation
Cupertino continues to insist the European Commission’s proposed charging port law will stifle innovation. Is this true, or just rebellion?
Apple Moves More Devices from Lightning to USB-C
As Cupertino releases new and refreshed Apple products, the company also moves closer to switching from Lightning to USB-C altogether.
The Joys of Multiple Mac Monitors
Dr. Mac shows you how to get more screen real estate for free (as long as your Mac and iPad are new enough…)
Apple Fitness+ is Coming For Calm, Headspace
Apple Fitness+ is introducing guided Meditation, letting users practice mindfulness through the service, a challenge to Calm and Headspace.