IBM Plans to Design Apps Aimed at iPad

“Our customers are looking at the iPad and they’re excited about it,” Mr. Rennie told writer Andy Greenberg. “No one quite knows its use patterns yet, but it’s our intention to deliver as much of our portfolio as possible on it as fast as possible. The screen real estate and the touch interface should give…

Apple Job Posting Hints at a Camera in Future iPads

“The Media Systems team is looking for a software quality engineer with a strong technical background to test still, video and audio capture and playback frameworks,” the company wrote in its job listing. The iPad was announced on January 27th to great fanfare, but a common complaint from pundits and readers of Mac sites is…

Nuthin Up My Sleeve But This Little Ol' iPad

Steve Jobs is cagey, and I believe he’s a wily guy as well and uses this situation to Apple’s advantage. In the days and weeks leading up to Apple’s media event where Mr. Showman Jobs gave us an extended look at Apple’s new device, as all manner of juicy tidbits just happened to fall into…

iPad Asks: Can I Squeeze In Here?

In the few days that have passed since the iPad announcement, I have spent a good deal of time pondering these two points. Although I reserve my final judgment until the iPad is released, I am ready to take an initial look at how well the iPad squeezes in to its middle seat. The iPad…

What Would You Do With an iPad?

Personally, I’m not overly interested in what the iPad can’t do – that was one of the subthemes of the above-mentioned column. The device will not succeed or fail in the marketplace based on what it can not do, but rather what it does well, what it does better than a laptop and better than…

Apple Tablet Prototype Pics Surface Ahead of Media Event

Apple will be hosting a special media event today at 10AM pacific time at the Yerba Buena Center. Rumors and alleged leaks suggest the company has been working on a tablet device that runs the iPhone OS, sports a 10-inch multi-touch display, includes a front-facing camera for video chats, supports Wi-Fi and 3G wireless networks,…

The "Say What?" Moment for Apple's Tablet

Here’s perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind as you learn about the Apple tablet tomorrow. The very people the Apple tablet is aimed at are, by and large, not the people who will be writing about it tomorrow. What that means is that technical writers have already decided on their tools and…

Tablet Thoughts

OK, so let’s say we all want one and we all dutifully stand in line when the product is launched to be the first on our block to own Apple’s latest shiny-shiny. Then what? When the iPod first came out it was aimed at a very distinct market: music lovers. It was presumed that people…

Apple Negotiating with AT&T, Verizon for Tablet Wireless

If true, that means Apple is planning on releasing two versions of its tablet device since AT&T and Verizon rely on different technologies for their wireless data services.According to Verizon’s unnamed source, Apple’s tablet will offer Wi-Fi support, along with wireless data over the company’s cell network, and free Wi-Fi at Verizon hotspots.There isn’t, however,…

WSJ: Apple Tablet Ready to Change Print, TV

The WSJ sources claimed Apple is in negotiations with several publishers and media companies to offer tablet-based books and TV shows, and has been discussing a “Best of TV” subscription service. Apple has apparently also been working with EA to produce some tablet-based games.If Apple goes after the education market with its tablet, that could…

Will a Tablet Replace My MacBook?

The big still-wide-open question is what market demand will this new device meet? Of special interest to me in this regard is: Will the tablet be capable of acting as a smaller lighter-weight replacement for my MacBook Pro? I hope so. I’d love it if I no longer needed to lug along my MacBook. But…

Source Offers Photo of 10" Apple Tablet Glass [Updated]

We aren’t positive about how this device would be presented, but we thought it made the most sense in a vertical alignment. If it is legit, one would think that the slot at the top is for a speaker, while the hole in the upper left could be for a camera lens. The button on…

The Year When Apple's Tablet Means Good Enough Isn't

Consider the following chart that compares a conventional PC to a possible Apple tablet.What jumps out at me in this chart is that refinement, user interface, user experience, and low maintenance will be of paramount importance. A system dedicated to the user, always available on demand, must reach yet a higher level of excellence, even…

CES: Will 2010 Be the Year of the Slate (or Tablet)?

HP’s forthcoming slate, which was the centerpiece of Mr. Ballmer’s discussion of such devices, will have Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity as well as a multi-touch screen similar to what Apple has on its iPhone and iPod touch. Phil McKinney, HP’s chief technology officer of its computer division, said to Reuters: “We’ve been looking at this…

Analyst: Apple's iTablet to Use Verizon 3G Network, Others

Mr. Marshall also told ComputerWorld that unlike some analysts and in contrast to some news reports, he is convinced the device will have 3G connectivity, as opposed to being limited to WiFi. His assessment is based in part to unnamed sources familiar with the device. Concurring with scattered news reports over the last few months,…

The One Critical Success Factor for Apple's Tablet

I believe that the recent ruckus between Ruppert Murdoch’s News Corporation and Time Warner Cable will bear on the future of the Apple tablet. Here’s a recap: When broadcasters radiate their signals from towers, they do so with the consent of the FCC. The only revenue they receive is from ads, whether it’s local ads…

Is There a Market for Magazines on the iTablet?

The fundamental idea that’s being missed is almost quantum mechanical in its nature. The act of reading a magazine on a fabulous tablet computer will change the magazine experience so dramatically that using legacy industry metrics is practically irrelevant. iTablet concept. Credit: Jesus Diaz, GizmodoHere are some mistakes in thinking I’ve seen. Based on my experience…

Steve Wozniak: If Apple Releases the Tablet, I'll Buy It

Of course, Mr. Wozniak then amended that to, “There is no such thing,” so take it as you will In any event, Fusion-io was holding its press conference to announce that IBM was using a technology the company developed called High IOPS Adapter in SSD drives for some of its servers. Despite that, however, reporters…

TabletMac Trademark Transferred from Axiotron to Apple

The ModBook is a conversion product made from a MacBook (or MacBook Pro for the ModBook Pro) and a Wacom touchscreen tablet. Axiotron partnered with TMO sponsor Other World Computing (OWC) to market and sell the devices. TabletMac, however, uses an Apple trademarked name, Mac, in its own name, something that is often used to…