The Display You've Always Wanted For Your Mac: HP Z34c

1. Introduction Regular readers here know that I have been on a crusade for the ultimate (or at least an excellent) display for my 2013 Mac Pro. My quest started when I left my 2010 27-inch iMac behind. The new Mac Pro acquired in the summer of 2014 needed a proper display or pair of…

Griffin's BreakSafe USB-C Cable Replicates MagSafe For the Apple MacBook

When Apple introduced the new MacBook in early 2015, with USB-C, the legendary MagSafe power connector had to go. Instead of innovating a replacement magnetic connector, Apple left the job to Griffin. It's called the BreakSafe, and it restores the MagSafe-like functionality to a MacBook. I was impressed. Almost, because it transports power only. The…

Using EtreCheck to Diagnose Your Mac Problems

What this app does is a pretty thorough system scan, and it’ll report any problems it finds. To check it out, first download the program and launch it. Then it’ll ask you to choose which problem you’re having, if any. Pick from that menu, choose “Start EtreCheck,” and it’ll run. When the process is complete,…

Why You Can Use Modern SSDs for Apple Time Machine Backups

This is still a very good idea (for me), but in the process of writing the article, I glossed over some technical considerations that come into play. You should know about them. Here they are. 1. Supplier affirmation. I asked Other World Computing, the maker of the Envoy Pro EX that I already use, about…

I Found an Easy Fix for my Recalcitrant Mac Backup Disk

Episode #156   A couple of weeks ago my Mac displayed an alert telling me that my Time Machine disk was damaged and that I should repair or replace it as soon as possible. The first thing I tried was Disk Utility’s First Aid feature, which has been part of OS X since time immemorial.…

15 Startup Key Combinations for Mac

The Apple Key, or the Command Key I was personally familiar with these and several others, but it turns out there are 15 total combinations, thanks to a KnowledgeBase article Apple posted. I'm betting many of you don't know them all, either, so here they are. The links below point to other support documents on…

How to Use the /me Command in Messages for Mac

First, we have to go back to IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, one of the first real-time messaging platforms for computers. Daniel Stenberg put together a great history of IRC if you're interested in the backstory, but the key thing is that it was for real-time texting, something we take for granted today. Designed and…

ParcSlope Sets MacBook or iPad Pro at Pleasing 18 Degree Angle

When resting an iPad or MacBook/Air/Pro on a desk, having it inclined at a comfortable angle is desirable for many users. The ParcSlope from Twelve South is a beautifully made steel stand that achieves this. It's especially useful for drawing with an iPad Pro. Here's a closer look. The angle from horizontal is 18 degrees.…

Getting iPhone Texts Onto Your Mac with PhoneView

As you can see, that situation’s been rectified now, both because I don’t save messages as much anymore and because I finally broke down and bought a larger iPhone. Go me! But at the time, I had tons of old conversations that I really wanted to keep for sentimental reasons. If you’ve got the same…

Facebook is a Background Resource Hog on Your Mac, Too

Unfortunately, it's not just your iPhone that's being overworked by Facebook. Facebook runs rampant when its website is loaded in your Mac's web browser, too, using more RAM than just about every other app – and definitely every other web page – you have open. After only being open – and left in the background…

Patriot Ready With a USB-C Flash Drive for Apple's MacBook

The new Apple MacBook comes with with a USB-C port precluding the use of any USB-A Flash drive without an adapter. Patriot Memory has solved that problem by launching a dual port USB-C, USB-A, combo Flash drive in 32 and 64 GB sizes at good price points. It's called the Stellar-C, and I liked it.…

Dr. Mac Presents: Smart Option Key Tricks

Episode #139   I’m a big fan of keyboard shortcuts. When I teach new Mac users, one of the first things I tell ‘em is to memorize the keyboard shortcuts for actions they perform regularly like Cut (Command + X), Copy (Command + C), Paste (Command + V), and Print (Command + P). And don’t…

Dozens of Projects That Let You Do Real Science on Your Mac

Black hole depiction. Image credit: Shutterstock Of course, there is the computational science that real scientists do on Macs. That could include scientific visualization tools, either commercial or developed in-house, typical computational languages, such as Fortran or Python or a host of other technical software tools. However, all that work is beyond the scope of this…

When (and When Not) to Replace Your Old Mac

Episode #138 A reader recently asked me how long he could expect his Mac to last. To be precise, here’s exactly what he said: I have a 15 in. MacBook Pro that I purchased in 2009 and love it…I do consulting, and run some small business matters with this computer and depend on it heavily.…