ChangeWave Research: Explosive Mac Sales Over Holidays

ChangeWave Research surveyed 4,604 CWR members in January and found that that 17 percent of respondents bought a Mac notebook in the last 90 days, a 3 percent jump from the previous survey in November 2007. Apple desktops were purchased by 16 percent, up six points from previously. “The results represent an astonishing leap for…

CallWave Brings Visual Voicemail to the Mac

Virtual Voicemail syncs with the useris Mac OS X Address Book and provides unlimited storage and access of messages, with the ability to connect to voicemail via the Web, if the user doesnit have their computer handy. CallWave also offers a Visual Voicemail Widget that notifies users of new messages, maintains a log of inbound…

The Desktop Macs Need More Sex Appeal

Apple makes products that people love to feel, love to own, and love to show to their friends. However, when it comes to the desktop Macs which are often married to the largest displays, Apple has taken a hard, long duration turn into ugly. Thatis not going to make a lot of Apple enthusiasts very…

MacBook Pro, Leopard Score InfoWorld Technology Awards

Apple’s MacBook Pro and Mac OS X 10.5 operating system both landed on top of InfoWorld’s 2008 Technology of the Year Awards list. The annual awards highlight the best and most ground breaking products from the prior year. Apple’s MacBook Pro ranked as the top notebook computer thanks to its Intel Santa Rosa chip set…

Mac, PC Named Best Commercial Characters

Apple’s Mac and PC transcended the ranks of commercial spokesmen in 2007 to become USATODAY’s best ad-based characters of the year. The characters were portrayed by Justin Long and John Hodgman and appeared in 17 advertisements throughout the year. John Hodgman and Justin Long in Apple’s Get a Mac campaign. The advertisements were conceived by…

Creating Custom Greeting Cards on a Mac

One can buy off-the-shelf Christmas cards, but there are also many different ways to create custom Christmas or greeting cards on a Macintosh. Using iPhoto is just one way, according to Charles Moore in his Festive Mac roundup of card creation software at Applelinks. Mr. Moore looked at and wrote mini-reviews of the following software:…

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #131: Macworld Tips and Paul Kent Interviewed

Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Saturday, December 8th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (coming soon courtesy of Michael Johnston). In this special Macworld Prep episode, John and Dave take a few minutes to share their favorite Expo attendance and travel tips for you. Learn the secrets these two…

Google Unveils the Mac Developer Playground

Google announced on Tuesday the unveiling of its Mac Developer Playground. Google’s Mac team engineers spend part of their time experimenting and developing useful tools and fun software. Now they’ve opened it up, according to Sean Carlson at Google. “We’ve always had a place to showcase our consumer products. Today, we’re unveiling the Google Mac…

USA Today: Thoughts on Switching to a Mac

Many consumers are pondering the switch to Mac this holiday season. For those who are, Edward Baig has provided a most cogent synopsis of what makes the Macintosh so appealing at USA Today on Wednesday. In what may be one of the best written and balanced essays ever on why potential Switchers should consider Mac,…

Gadget Support Comes to Google Desktop for the Mac

Google announced on Wednesday that it is adding Google Gadget support to its Google Desktop application for the Mac. Google Gadgets are similar to Apple’s Dashboard widgets, but are cross-platform and work in Dashboard, iGoogle pages, and the Google Desktop Sidebar. Google Desktop: Now with Gadgets An extensive list of Google Gadgets is already available,…

Microsoft Mac BU Publishes Office 2008 Sneak Peek #6

The Microsoft Macintosh Business Unit (Mac BU) published its Office 2008 Sneak Peek #6 on Tuesday. The Sneak Peek showcases the PowerPoint interface to iPhoto and Wordis Notebook Layout View improvements. Microsoft cited these items to showcase in SP #6: PowerPoint 2008 Send to iPhoto: With Office 2008, users can share presentations from their Macs…

Zenhabits: How to Get Things Done on Your Mac

Being productive on a Macintosh consists of exploiting Mac OS X to the fullest, but also entails some universal concepts that allow one to better exploit any computer system, according to Leo Babauta at his Website, Zenhabits. The free article was originally published at MacForat Magazine and covers the following topics that will help creative…

RealNetworks Releases RealPlayer 11 Beta for Mac

RealNetworks announced on Thursday the availability of RealPlayer 11 Beta for Mac OS X, Tiger and Leopard, in concert with the general release of RealPlayer and RealPlayer Plus for PCs. Because there are four product options, TMO spoke with Ryan Luckin at RealNetworks to sort it out. 1. RealPlayer for PCs allows the user to…

BusinessWeek: iMac Undisputed Desktop Champ

In a four and a half-star review, BusinessWeek reviewer Cliff Edwards called Apple’s current line of iMacs the “undisputed champ, even as rivals Gateway, Hewlett-Packard, and Sony step up their offerings.” He cited Apple’s hardware design, peripherals, set-up ease, Mac OS X Leopard, and iLife as reasons that make the iMac a “star.” “It’s been…

Apple Releases Hard Drive Update 1.0 for iMac, Mac Pro

It appears that this firmware update isnit required by every Core 2 Duo iMac and Mac Pro. Users at VersionTracker have reported that the update applies to computers with Seagateis ST3500641AS 500GB (firmware 3.BTD) and ST3750640AS 750GB (3.BTF) hard drives. These are not the same drive models that Seagate was recently called to task over…

Glossy Display iMacs get Software 1.3 Update

Apple released iMac Software Update 1.3 on Thursday evening. The scant update details say it provides fixes for important issues. It is intended for 20.GHz, 2.4GHz, and 2.8GHz 20 and 24-inch glossy display iMacs and requires Mac OS X 10.5. The 21.6MB download is available via the Software Update application, or as a downloadable installer…

Some MacBook Drives Suspected of Fatal Design Flaw

Investigators are looking at a possible design flaw in some Seagate hard drives found in MacBooks and MacBook Pros, according to Techworld on Friday. The problems leads to catastrophic data loss. The problem is suspected with Seagate 2.5-inch SATA drives made in China and loaded with firmware version 7.01. Model numbers affected include ST96812AS and…

Apple Will Allow Leopard Server Virtualization

In what seems to be a notable about-face, Apple has changed its Mac OS X Leopard Server license agreement to allow multiple, virtualized copies of Mac OS X to run on Apple hardware, according to Adam Engst at Tidbits on Wednesday. Heretofore, only one copy of Mac OS X Server could run in a single…

C|Net: More to Mac Sales Than Halo

Looking at the Apple sales numbers in detail, it remains impossible to attribute Apple’s sales growth to the iPod halo effect alone. There are other effects, according to C|Net on Monday. The halo effect results when iPod customers go into an Apple store, have enjoyed their iPod experience, and see the Mac in possibly a…

Apple Pulls Boot Camp Beta Downloads

Boot Camp allows Mac users to create a Windows partition on their Intel Macs. Users can then choose to boot up their Macs into Windows instead of Mac OS X, with Boot Camp controlling that process. The beta license technically expired September 30, 2007, though partitions created with the Boot Camp beta still work. Pulling…

MyMac Podcast Features Beth Lock and John Farr

On this weekis Podcast at, two of the most influential and early writers and observers of Apple, Beth Lock and John Farr, are interviewed by the MyMac team. John Farr and Beth Lock have been writing about, and in earlier times, “saving” Apple by articulating just why Apple mattered during Appleis tough times in…

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #123: iPhoto, Deleting from Flash, Mouse Focus, and More

Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Monday, October 8th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Listener comments and questions are this week’s focus, driving us through topics such as iPhoto and Aperture, Deleting from Flash (without the Trash!), Keeping print servers alive, FireWire disconnects, and focusing…