SmileOnMyMac Releases DiscLabel 4.2

“DiscLabel 4.2 offers more flexible image manipulation with the new Effects and Filters dialog. Effects and Filters allows users to preview and combine over 40 visual effects, including blurs, sharpening, color effects and masks. Also new in this upgrade is the ability to add a drop shadow to any object and to apply a stroke…

Analyst: Incremental Mac Growth is Big Money

“Street estimates currently assume Mac market share of 2.7 percent for calendar year 07,” he said. “In our estimation, an increase in Mac market share to 3.5 percent for the year would lead to an upside to Street calendar year 07 EPS of US$0.44 or 12.3 percent.” The analyst consensus is that Apple will show…

You talkin' to me? (Make Your Mac Listen)

At this point, I suspect at least a few of you are skeptically thinking: “Why bother? I donit have carpal tunnel syndrome or any other disability that prevents me from using my hands. I am quite comfortable with a keyboard and mouse and I donit see any big reason to use speech instead.” Perhaps you…

Caring For Your Mac's Battery Backup

As a rule of thumb assume that the battery in your UPS will last between two and five years, depending on use. If you overload a battery backup, however, you will likely see a much shorter life-span for your battery. For example, ganging up multiple computers on a UPS designed to handle only one machine,…

Panic Releases Coda 1.0

announced on Monday the release of Coda 1.0, a one-window Web development tool. Coda 1.0 is designed for hand-coders and brings together all the major features needed to develop Websites in a single interface. “Coda includes a complete built-in file browser based on the Transmit engine that allows users to work locally or remotely; a…

Mac Hacked In Contest... Sort Of

The CanSecWest 2007 security conference hosted a “Hack a Mac” contest where contestants worked to gain unauthorized access to a Mac OS X system. Yes, there was a winner, but not until the contest rules were relaxed to the point that someone actually could win. Shane Macaulay and Dino Dai Zovi won a US$10,000 prize…

Just A Peek - Mariner Write

I write a lot of articles and one of the things I hate is for the word or text processor that I use to get in my way. By getting in my way I mean that I don’t want to think about the tool, I just want to get my thoughts down as quickly and…

TruePower AC Adapter for PowerBook and iBook

FastMacis TruePower AC adapter for the PowerBook and iBook is a durable and affordable alternative to Appleis own power adapters. Maybe not as pretty as Appleis offering, but that seems to be just fine with the people at FastMac. The 65 Watt TruePower charger is compatible with the original clamshell iBook, iBook G3 and G4,…

Wiring Macs Into The Enterprise

One of the mysteries for many is getting Macintoshes properly integrated into corporate directory services, especially Microsoftis Active Directory. Computerworld provided the recipe on Monday. Directory Services can be daunting for even very technical administrators. Once an organization settles on Microsoftis Active Directory for its PCs, shoehorning Macs into the system can seem like an…

Comparing an 8-core to 4-core Mac Pro

Bare Feats conducted some performance tests, comparing the processor performance of an 8-core Mac Pro to a 4-core Mac Pro. A factor of two was not always obtained, and technical issues may be the cause. As one would expect, the results varied depending on the OS and softwareis ability to properly exploit eight cores. In…

I Got 99 Macs, and a PC Ain't One

Each of the Macs work, and when showing visitors his collection, they run classic screen savers, and can be synched to achieve a strobe-like effect. "I think itid make you more inclined to dance, even though I donit dance, I guess," he told the AP. "Iive never been to a rave, so Iim just basing…

Changes in Mac Pro Configurations Over Time

The various configurations and prices of the Mac Pro series over time were examined at on Wednesday. As Apple brings out new versions of a system, the capability grows and the prices tend to stay the same. If one were planning to buy a Mac Pro when it first came out and elected not…

MacJournal 4.1.1

A journal can be as personal or public as you want, but if you plan on keeping a journal on your Mac, it is easier when you have a dedicated application. MacJournal from Mariner Software aims to be that application – for both public or private journals – and it throws in some blogging tools,…

Phanton EFX Releases Two Casino Games For Mac

“Both Mystic Forest and High Roller are extremely popular PC titles for us and we know there is a market within the Mac community,” said Director and CEO Aaron Schurman. “Both games have all new, never-before-seen features and games to make them our best, most action-packed titles ever and we are excited to bring that…

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #98: Tips on Security, Audio, Cleaning Up Your Mac, and More

Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For Tuesday, April 3, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Lots of tips this week, including Mac OS X keychain settings, relaying audio across the Internet, networking using your power lines, Controlling podcasts, and more. Sponsor: Audible: Get a…

A Mac User's Reactions to Vista

A user very familiar with both Macs and Windows tested Vista for several weeks and had a mixed reaction in a story published at Low End Mac on Friday. Adam Guha experimented with Vista for a few weeks on a new Acer notebook to get a feel for the new OS. “Firstly, thereis the new…

Apple Posts New Boot Camp Beta for Vista

Apple posted a new version of its Boot Camp software on Wednesday. Version 1.2 now supports 32-bit Vista. The update also includes updated drivers including trackpad, AppleTime, (synch), audio, graphics, modem and iSight camera. Installation of Vista requires a full version of Vista, not an upgrade: Vista Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate and…

A Newbie Experiences Mac Quirks

Mac OS X is considered elegant and intuitive. Even so, sometimes a Switcher not only trips up, but finds some nonsense on the Mac, according to Tom Yager at InfoWorld on Thursday. For example, each document on Windows lives inside its own window with an application menu. When a user closes the last open document,…

PDFpenPro 3.1

We already have Preview, Acrobat, and Adobe Reader. Why do we need another application that reads PDF documents? Because PDFpenPro lets you edit, modify, and sign the PDFs you work with – and it does all that with a user-friendly interface and an affordable price – thatis why. PDFpenPro is a full-on PDF editor that…

DEVONthink Pro 1.3 Improves AppleScript, Firefox Support

DEVONthink Professional Office, which includes email archiving, document scanning with OCR, and an integrated Web server, now adds French and Danish localizations, improves the OCR (optical character recognition) process, and supports drag-and-drop importing of Unix mailbox files. Both applications are available at the DEVONtechnologies Web site. DEVONthink Professional is priced at US$79.95, and the Office…

Optometrist Has Eyes Only For Macintosh

When Mark Botwin decided to launch his optometry practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he put his life long love for Macs into practice. The story was posted at Appleis Hot News site on Wednesday. Historically, there has been a dearth of software of optometrists. But thatis been changing. From the time patients come into…

Scripting Mac Applications with Ruby

For those whoid like to explore alternatives to AppleScript, the OiReilly Mac devcenter has posted an article Tuesday by Matt Neuburg on how to script Mac applications with Ruby. Often, programmers with Unix experience in Perl, Python or Ruby come to the Mac, are unaccustomed to AppleScript and looking for familar ground. It all started…

Techshell MacBook Cover

The Techshell is just one in a long line of protective cases for the MacBook, but this one differentiates itself by being simple, clean, and easy to use. It is so simple, in fact, that itis easy to forget that it is there. The Techshell is a protective plastic shell that is form fitted to…

MCE Announces User-Installable Blu-ray Drives for Macintosh

MCE Technologies, LLC has announced the immediate availability of user-installable, internal Blu-ray optical drives with 50 GB capacity for Mac Pro and PowerMac G5. The announcement came on Wednesday. Fitted with a blue front tray-bumper to distinguish it from ordinary optical drives, the drives are pre-configured for the Mac Pro and Power Mac G5 and…