Says Mac Skills Handy for Getting Hired

Brian Vaughn, executive vice president of network support and IT solutions provider Dataprise, says “The Mac will be coming soon to a company near you, if it hasnit already.” System administrators, network engineers, database administrators, programmers, and support professionals all need to have some level of Macintosh expertise. The article shows a trend towards…

Analyst: New iMac 'a Catalyst' For Gaining Ed. Market Share

He added: “Our take is the educational market K-University will view the $899 iMac as a meaningful jump in price-to-performance over the $799 eMac of a year ago.” Mr. Munster retained his “Outperform” rating on Appleis stock, with a $99 price target. At 1:33 PM EST on Wednesday, the companyis shares were selling for $56.88,…

Apple's Laptop Sales Could Be Up 39% Over 2005

Asustek Computer, the Taiwanese company that manufactures laptops for Apple, has said that its shipments of the new MacBook jumped from 100,000 units in April to 120,000 in June. According to DigiTimes, Apple could eventually deliver two million iBooks and MacBooks, as well as one million MacBook Pro notebooks, in 2006, which would put the…

MacBook Too Hot? Check for Blocked Vent

Some MacBooks have been inadvertently shipped with a clear plastic sheet covering the rear vent, causing them to run too hot. If your fan runs consistently, and heat emanates from the top or bottom of your laptop, the vent may be blocked. From Apple’s Knowledge Base article: Some MacBooks may have left the factory with…

Menu Master 1.4, ClearDock 1.4 Updated With Universal Binaries

Menu Master enables users to change or remove menu shortcut keys for any application. Itis US$10 and requires Mac OS X v10.3. ClearDock, which is free, removes the Dockis semi-transparent white background or changes it to another color. It can also be used to change the colors of application triangles. It also requires Mac OS…

Dr. Mac: Rants & Raves - Boot Camp: One Man's Opinion

There is a new 17-inch MacBook Pro on my desk and it’s running Windows XP at full native speed, which is to say as fast as or possibly faster than a similarly equipped notebook from Dell, HP, or Lenovo. A year ago I’d have laughed hysterically if you told me that my next Mac would…

Analyst: New MacBook 'Bodes Well For June'

He added: “In other words, we donit believe June will be another transition quarter.” He said that he checked with two Apple stores and found both of them had the MacBook in stock, which puts the new laptop “about eight weeks ahead of when stores received the MacBook Pro. In other words, it appears Apple…

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #51: iPod Visor Reviewed, Mac Questions Answered!

Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For May 1st, 2006 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of Michael, aka Computernap!). John and Dave got together this past weekend and checked out the i-Theatre, a visor for your Video iPod, DVD player, computer, and more. The conversations continue, discussing kinda-sorta…

Hidden Dimensions -- Boot Camp May be Just the Beginning

Whenever Apple releases a new product, observers, writers, and analysts tend to see the item in very narrow terms. A good case in point is the recent release of Boot Camp. To be sure, Apple is gauging the response to this product, but if the degree of general excitement and Peter Oppenheimer’s comments in the…

Podcast - Weekly Roundup: Mac People, Meet Intel

Direct Link: MP3 Version What’s worth $112 billion dollars, employs about 100,000 people, earned a paltry $1.4 billion in the last three months, and manufactures the perfect compliment to guacamole? Intel, you say? Never heard of it. This week in the Context Machine: get to know Apple’s new best friend. The Weekly Roundup will be…

Running OPENSTEP on Your Intel Mac

OPENSTEP is the version of NeXTis NEXTSTEP designed to run on non-NeXT hardware, specifically Intel-based hardware in this case. NEXTSTEP itself is the foundation for what became Mac OS X, which was acquired by Apple in the mid-1990s when Apple was looking for a way to replace what we now call Classic Mac OS. OPENSTEP…

Apple Exec: "We're Seeing a High Level of Interest in Boot Camp"

Boot Camp allows users to boot into either Mac OS X or Windows XP on Intel-powered Macintosh systems, and Apple execs repeated the company line that the software was released in response to customer interest in that ability. “You know, the response has been written about a lot,” said Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer. “We did…

Cringley: Mac May Offer Best Windows Platform

Boot Camp is only the first step towards virtualization, or running multiple operating systems at the same time, on the Mac. By the time MAc OS X 10.5 ships, it will likely be the most stable and secure platform available for running Windows. Mr. Cringley thinks that Leopard will include built-in protection for operating systems…

Protection Pack for MacBook Pro

The hand rest is made from soft PVC leather, and uses a reusable adhesive so you can remove it for cleaning. The keyboard cover is a washable microfiber material that also works as a screen cleaning cloth. The Protection Pack is available in sizes for the MacBook Pro, and 12, 15 and 17-inch PowerBook models.…