Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Monday, November 19th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). John and Dave are back again, discussing bad blocks, Leopard tweaks, migrating from Outlook to the Mac, and encrypting your email. Great stuff here this week, folks. Subscribe for free in…
Viewing Large Icons in Leopard
Show View Options adjusts Finder icon sizes.
Differencia 1.0 Released for Mac OS X
has released the first version of Differencia. The software is a unique tool for comparing data with different formats and is Mac exclusive. Differencia is designed to compare multiple, tabular data soures that have different file formats and data formats. “Differencia handles International Date, Time and Number formats as well as files originating from Mac,…
Apple Tech Docs Address Time Machine Problems
Apple Inc. has released new support documents addressing issues that some Leopard users are encountering with Time Machine, Leopard’s new backup technology. The first document addresses an issue where Time Machine stops backing up “after about 10 GB or more of data” has been backed up, while the second looks at users whose past backups…
Leopard Guest User Account
Leopardis Guest account is a separate user account that you can let trusted people, like friends or family, use instead of giving them access to your user account — which also gives them access to all of your files. Every time someone logs in with you guest account they get a clean Desktop and see…
Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #126: Torrents, Automounting, Keychain Migration, and Leopard Nitty Gritty
Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Monday, November 5th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Dave shares a tip for getting your keychain up to date if you’ve upgraded your Mac over the years. Dave and John talk more about Leopard’s details, and also answer some…
Gartenberg: Leopard Redefines Personal Computing
Michael Gartenberg, a vice president at Jupiter Research, wrote that in his opinion Apple’s Leopard redefines what personal computing looks like at Computerworld on Wednesday. Instead of providing a rundown of Leopard’s new features, which has been done elsewhere, Mr. Gartenberg sat back and took a 30,000 ft view. After the installs on several Macs,…
Leopard's Firewall Faulted by Security Researchers
Researchers at Heise Security have noted that, even after an upgrade from Tiger to Leopard, if the firewall was turned on in Tiger, it is turned off in Leopard, according to Robert Vamosi’s C|Net Blog on Tuesday. In addition, even if the Leopard firewall is once again turned on, some incoming connections will be allowed,…
Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #125: Two Geeks Talk Leopard
Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Monday, October 29th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Dave and John installed Leopard this weekend on a bunch of Macs, and have all sorts of juicy tidbits to share with you about Apple’s new OS. Sponsor: Travel, vacations…
TMO Quick Tip - Leopard: Changing Time Machine Disks
The first time you connect an external hard drive your Mac after installing Mac OS X 10.5, you have the option to use that drive to back up files with Time Machine. If you decline, but later change your mind, or you accept and later want to use a different disk, Leopard makes it easy…
Episode #82 - Read This Before You Install Leopard
It’s been roughly 72 hours since Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard was released. Many (if not most) users are reporting no problems installing or using Leopard. Unfortunately, a significant number of others are having problems, many of which are severe. If you haven’t installed Leopard yet, or if you have installed Leopard and are experiencing…
Apple Updates Leopard Login and Keychain
The update also corrects problems when connecting to some 802.11b or g wireless networks, and fixes issues when changing the password on FileVault-protected user accounts. Login & Keychain Update 1.0 is free and available via Appleis Software Update application, or as a download from the Apple Support Web site.
Read This Before You Install Leopard
I don’t want to be an alarmist but a good number of users are experiencing the extremely nasty Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) after installing Leopard. When the installation completes and they restart (or their Mac restarts itself), a plain blue screen appears and nothing more. Keystrokes have no effect on it and a hard…
David Pogue Uncovers Leopard's Hidden Goodies
David Pogue, at the New York Times, has found some interesting goodies embedded in Leopard that arenit to be found in the routine descriptions of Leopardis new features. On Thursday, David Pogue published his review of Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard. Leave it to Mr. Pogue to find some hidden treasures after continued experimenting with…
Leopard Springs on October 26
Apple’s highly anticipated Mac OS X 10.5, or Leopard, operation system launch is officially scheduled for 6PM on Friday, October 26. Even though the official roll out isn’t until the end of the month, the Cupertino based company started offering pre-order sales on Tuesday. Leopard will include several new features including Time Machine, a built-in…
Print Finder Window Contents
Hereis how: Make sure you already have a Desktop printer. If you donit, check out my Quick Tip on how to set one up. Drag the folder you want a contents list for onto the Desktop printer. Drag a folder onto a printer to print a file list.
Apple Warns of Pending Boot Camp Beta Expiration
Boot Camp beta 1.2 expired on September 30, so users that didnit upgrade to version 1.4 are already past their license expiration date. The company hasnit stated whether or not the version 1.4 beta will stop working once Leopard ships, or if users will simply be outside of the license agreement if they continue to…
The Future of Mac OS X on PowerPC
Whenever Apple comes out with a major new release of its OS, some Macintosh hardware gets left behind. While Leopard includes support for PowerPC Macs, itis worth looking at Appleis history to see if Mac OS X 10.6 will abandon the entire PowerPC line, according to Daniel Dilger at Roughly Drafted. “Previous versions of Apple?s…
Thesaurus, Mac OS X Style
By default, your Macis Dictionary application shows spelling and definitions. Hereis how to change that default to the thesaurus: Launch Dictionary. Itis in your Applications folder. Choose Dictionary > Preferences. The top listed option is always the default in Dictionary.
Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #119: Troubleshooting Tiger, Follow-ups, and Password Security
Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Monday, September 10th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Dave and John help you troubleshoot Tiger, revive a non-booting Mac, and discuss the merits of Mac OS X password security. Sponsor: BBEdit: BBEdit is the leading professional-strength HTML and text…
Rebuilding iPhoto's Thumbnail Images
Hereis how: If iPhoto is running quit the application. Command-Option double click iPhoto to launch it. iPhoto will launch and then display the Rebuild Photo Library dialog. Rebuild the photosi small thumbnails should already be selected. If you canit see a photo unless it is blown up to full size, check Rebuild all of the…
iPhoto Library Manager 3.3 Adds iLife '08 Support
iPhoto Library Manger lets users divide their image library into multiple libraries, copy images and albums between libraries, merge libraries together, and extract or rebuild corrupt iPhoto image libraries. iPhoto Library Manger is available for download at the Fat Cat Software Web site, and is priced at US$19.95. The update is free for registered users.
iWeb 2.0.1 Improves iWeb 1 Support
iWeb 2.0.1 is part of the iLife i08 application suite that also includes iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, and GarageBand. iLife i08 is priced at US$79, and the update is free for iWeb 2 users.