Print Finder Window Contents

Hereis how: Make sure you already have a Desktop printer. If you donit, check out my Quick Tip on how to set one up. Drag the folder you want a contents list for onto the Desktop printer. Drag a folder onto a printer to print a file list.

Apple Warns of Pending Boot Camp Beta Expiration

Boot Camp beta 1.2 expired on September 30, so users that didnit upgrade to version 1.4 are already past their license expiration date. The company hasnit stated whether or not the version 1.4 beta will stop working once Leopard ships, or if users will simply be outside of the license agreement if they continue to…

The Future of Mac OS X on PowerPC

Whenever Apple comes out with a major new release of its OS, some Macintosh hardware gets left behind. While Leopard includes support for PowerPC Macs, itis worth looking at Appleis history to see if Mac OS X 10.6 will abandon the entire PowerPC line, according to Daniel Dilger at Roughly Drafted. “Previous versions of Apple?s…

Thesaurus, Mac OS X Style

By default, your Macis Dictionary application shows spelling and definitions. Hereis how to change that default to the thesaurus: Launch Dictionary. Itis in your Applications folder. Choose Dictionary > Preferences. The top listed option is always the default in Dictionary.

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #119: Troubleshooting Tiger, Follow-ups, and Password Security

Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Monday, September 10th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Dave and John help you troubleshoot Tiger, revive a non-booting Mac, and discuss the merits of Mac OS X password security. Sponsor: BBEdit: BBEdit is the leading professional-strength HTML and text…

Rebuilding iPhoto's Thumbnail Images

Hereis how: If iPhoto is running quit the application. Command-Option double click iPhoto to launch it. iPhoto will launch and then display the Rebuild Photo Library dialog. Rebuild the photosi small thumbnails should already be selected. If you canit see a photo unless it is blown up to full size, check Rebuild all of the…

iPhoto Library Manager 3.3 Adds iLife '08 Support

iPhoto Library Manger lets users divide their image library into multiple libraries, copy images and albums between libraries, merge libraries together, and extract or rebuild corrupt iPhoto image libraries. iPhoto Library Manger is available for download at the Fat Cat Software Web site, and is priced at US$19.95. The update is free for registered users.

Find Image Dimensions with Safari

Just like you can drag an HTML document into a Safari window to see what the page looks like, you can also drag graphics into a Safari window to see the image. Even better, Safari shows the image name and dimensions in its title bar. Drag an image into a Safari window to see its…

A Prep List for New Vista Computer

Dwight Silverman at the Houston Chronicle has provided a sobering list of things to attend to when first taking a Vista PC out of the box. Itis a long list. Every new computer requires some intial setup and customization. Some of it can be pleasureable, some of it is necessary and tedious bookkeeping and some…

InfoExpress Annouces Mac OS X Support for Dynamic NAC

InfoExpress announced additional support for Mac OS X client systems on Tuesday for its Network Access Control (NAC) system, Dynamic NAC. In addition, Linux and Vista support was added. TMO interviewed Stacey Lum, CEO of InfoExpress recently. He provided some background on NAC. Basically, businesses need to be able to control client computer access to…

Old School Mac OS X: Verbose Mode

The great thing about Verbose Mode was that it stripped away the friendly startup interface and simply listed everything that happened as your Mac started up and loaded its software components. Once the startup process reached a certain point, you were returned to the familiar graphic interface. Now that we are several versions past the…

InterMapper 4.6 Improves Mac OS X Server Support, More

InterMapper 4.6 also added a Cisco IP SLA probe, a new authentication server component that supports Kerberos, LDAP, RADIUS, ActiveDirectory, and IAS directories, new probes for Motorola PTP400 and PTP600 wireless equipment, VLAN ID information for the Cisco or 802.1Q Bridge MIB, and more. InterMapper 4.6 is priced starting at US$495, and is available at…

HoudahGeo 1.2 Adds Reverse Geocode Support

The new version also updated the interface, added the ability to bookmark map locations, improved Google Earth support, and added Bluetooth support for Wintec WBT-100, WBT-200 and WBT-201 devices. HoudahGeo 1.2 is priced at US$29.95, and is available for download at the Houdah Software Web site. The update is free for version 1 users.

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #112: Finder, Mail, Printing, Ports and More

Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For Tuesday, July 24th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Dave and John talk through answers about the Finder,, PDFPen, Printers, and Ports, and share your thoughts on AirPort reception and a few cool apps you found. Sponsor:…

QuickTime 7.2 Gets Full Screen Viewing, More

The security-related fixes impact both the Mac OS X and Windows versions of QuickTime, and address situations where maliciously crafted media files could cause unexpected application termination, or allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. The update is available via Appleis Software Update application, or as a stand-alone installer for Mac OS X and Windows.…

Caboodle Gains Leopard Compatibility

announced on Thursday the immediate availability of Caboodle 1.1.2. The new version adds compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard. Other minor fixes include better ruler handling within entries. Caboodle 1.1.2

Squeeze the Most From Your Files with File Juicer

Echo One One of the features that makes Mac OS X so usable, considering the underlying UNIX foundation, is the Finder interface. The Finder takes the thousands of files on your hard drive, and present them in a way that allows you to do all sorts of cool things with your Mac. Normally, a user…

Snapz Pro Now Universal, Leopard Compatible

Ambrosia Software announced on Thursday that its screen recording software, Snapz Pro, has been updated to version 2.1. The new version is a Universal Application and is compatible with the WWDC Leopard Release. Other improvements include: greatly improved capture performance, support for QuickTime compression sessions — enabling H.264 multipass encoding, and the (restored) ability to…

WiFind: A Better AirPort Menu

WiFind adds some useful information to the AirPort menu including signal strength for the networks in range of your Mac, whether or not those networks are password protected, and what channel the networks are transmitting on. WiFind gives you the AirPort menu Apple should have made.

MailTags 2.0 Adds IMAP Support, Improves iCal Support

The updated version added support for IMAP email accounts, iCal event and task creation from within Mail, and tag viewing in List View. It also improved support for Smart Mailboxes, Mailis search tools, and AppleScript. Mailtags is priced at US$29.95, and is available for download at the Indev Software Web site.

CS3 Installer Poses Mac OS X Firewall Security Issue

Adobe issued a security warning on Thursday for Mac OS X users installing Adobe Version Cue CS3 Server. The Adobe installer can disable the Mac’s built-in firewall during the installation process, potentially leaving the computer open to malicious attacks. Version Cue CS3 Server is included with Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium, Design Standard, Web…